"I could never live on less than €10,000 a month": social media user is heavily criticized

by Mark Bennett

December 04, 2022

"I could never live on less than €10,000 a month": social media user is heavily criticized

Finding a good job that is satisfying and also well paid is a dream for most people. There are those who have clear, ambitious career paths planned out; then, there are those who have to "make do" with what they have in order to move forward. These people often cannot make room for their ambitions and have to live hand-to-mouth.

However, being "comfortably off" is a relative term and the subject of this story is proof of this. This a young woman was blasted by negative comments after making a statement on social media. Here is the story:

via Daily Mail

oliviamariah97/Tik Tok

oliviamariah97/Tik Tok

Liv B is a 25-year-old Californian woman who caused an uproar on the web by stating that she cannot live on a monthly salary of less than 10,000 euros. But her critics shot back that one can get by on a lot less.

The young woman, in several videos posted to her Tik Tok account, said that a salary of 120,000 euros a year is nothing when you live in certain parts of the world. "I spend 2,000 euros a month on my home and about the same amount on food. Not to mention that I love entertaining myself: sports, travel and much more. So, it's impossible for me to live on less than 10,000 euros a month," she said.

oliviamariah97/Tik Tok

oliviamariah97/Tik Tok

In the clip, the the 25-year-old, who is an aspiring musician, stated that she was not going to accept a menial, hourly-pad job as this would not suit her lifestyle. "I'll never work an hourly-paid job. Work like this in the United States is of no value. I'd rather invest, build my future and my business," she said.

Liv's video got a comment from a man who stated he earns 117,000 euros a year working a hourly-paid job. This is a very significant salary and one which many of the users who read the post would give their right arms to earn.

oliviamariah97/Tik Tok

oliviamariah97/Tik Tok

But this comment did not convince Liv B who continued to push her position. Later, she apologized for the way she had expressed her thoughts recognizing that they could have offended some people, and that that was not her intention. She stressed, however, that she needs to earn big to reach her goals.

What do you think of this young woman's point of view?
