Woman goes to the hospital with severe abdominal pain: a few minutes later, she gives birth

by Mark Bennett

November 01, 2022

Woman goes to the hospital with severe abdominal pain: a few minutes later, she gives birth

We all know how pregnancies happen. You have a few symptoms, you see a doctor, and you get the happy news. Then starts 9 months of waiting before the joyous event. This is usually how it goes, but there are some mothers who do not know they are expecting until their contractions arrive and they realize that something is wrong.

It seems unbelievable, but these rare cases do exist and the young woman we want to tell you about in this story is proof of this. Let's find out what happened:

via The Sun

The mother in question is a young Indiana student, Kayla Nicole Simpson. She caused a sensation when she gave birth to a baby she didn't know she was having. That's right:Kayla said she did not know she was pregnant. How can this be possible? Let's find out:


This type of pregnancy is called a cryptic or invisible pregnancy, and it is very unusual because it does not present any of the typical symptoms. For Kayla, this was the case. Shortly before giving birth, Kayla experienced severe pain in her abdomen. Not knowing what was happening, she contacted her mother.

"I called my mother because I was in so much pain. I didn't understand what was happening and I thought it might be appendicitis, which is why I went to the hospital. After an examination, the doctors told me I was about to give birth and 15 minutes later, I gave birth to my little Madi. I love her so much," Kayla said.

Kayla was thrilled with this unexpected surprise. Despite everything, mother and daughter were completely healthy and happy after the baby's birth.

Cases like Kayla's are very rare and only have a 1:2500 chance of happening. This makes Kayla and Madi very special people indeed.

Have you ever heard of these "invisible" pregnancies before?
