Man places a fake fine on his car to allow him to park anywhere: police tow his car away

by Mark Bennett

October 26, 2022

Man places a fake fine on his car to allow him to park anywhere: police tow his car away

When driving, you must always keep a watchful eye on the traffic, in order to avoid unwanted accidents. Those who are more familiar with cars, generally pay more attention to ensuring they do not get fined. It may happen that you get a fine for improper parking, but this does not mean that it should become a habit to occupy two parking slots or park illegally in some other way, for example. One man, however, found a brilliant way to avoid being fined, even though he continuously parked illegally - or so he thought.

Flickr / Qfamily / Not the actual photo

Flickr / Qfamily / Not the actual photo

The subject of this story devised a brilliant plan to avoid being fined when he had to park illegally. The idea was very simple: the man had made up a fake fine, identical in all respects to a real one, and capable of deceiving even the most experienced policeman. With a fine already placed on the car, the man thought that no other policeman would "fine him again" on seeing the fake ticket. Unfortunately for him, however, he was wrong. Although the trick worked for a while, his deception was eventually discovered.

One day, some police officers, approached the man's car. After checking the fake ticket, the two officers became suspicious when they noticed something in particular: the ticket had been filled out in pencil.

Pxhere / Not the actual photo

Pxhere / Not the actual photo

The officers then proceeded to carry out a check through the traffic department which, shortly afterwards, confirmed their suspicions: the document was a fake. At this point, the officers had the man's vehicle towed. We do not know what the reaction of the cunning motorist was, but we hope he has now learned his lesson.
