10-week-old girl is famous for her "rebellious" hair: it cannot be tamed

Every child, when they are born, has something that distinguishes them from the others. Maybe the color of their eyes, a mole positioned in an unusual spot, a birthmark, etc. But there are also little ones who really stand out from the start because of their hair.
Infants tend not to have very thick hair, but this is not the case with the little girl we want to talk to you about in this story. Thanks to her hair, she quickly became a star on the internet. Here is the infant's story:

The little girl in question is called Arla, was born a few months ago and is already famous. Well known on the web, the little girl became famous thanks to her "electrified" hair. Arla's "sticky-up" hair is absolutely uncombable.
Aliyah Lewis, the baby's mother, and her partner Adam, adore their little daughter and decided to delight their TikTok followers with some videos of Arla and her hair. "We can't do anything with it," said the woman. She continued: "We can comb it, put on a hat, wet it, and more - but two minutes later, her hair goes back to the same position. This unruly hair makes Arla truly unique".

Family members and strangers they meet on the street are also attracted to Arla's wild hair. According to what Aliyah said, many passersby stop to admire little Arla and comment on her hair. Some pointed out that this hair peculiarity occurs sometimes in infants that have very fair hair - but this is not the case with Arla.
Arla has a truly unique head of hair and it makes her even more beautiful (along with her gorgeous blue eyes). Don't you also her adorable?