11-month-old child sees his dad without a beard for the first time - he can't believe his eyes

by Mark Bennett

November 30, 2022

11-month-old child sees his dad without a beard for the first time - he can't believe his eyes

Young children need fixed, stable points of reference and people who accompany them while they grow in order to be sure that there are no risks or dangers to them. And who is better than a parent to play this reassurance role? Moms and dads are constantly in contact with their infants, and their infants, in turn, quickly get used to their parents' voices and faces. But if a parent's appearance changes suddenly and dramatically, how would an infant react?

That's a big question, but we want to show you the reaction of a certain 11-month-old boy who became famous on the internet when he saw his dad one, specific day. Here is the story:

via @michaelbalderson36/Tik Tok

@michaelbalderson36/Tik Tok

@michaelbalderson36/Tik Tok

Michael Balderson lives and works in Phoenix, Arizona and is the father of a cute almost one-year-old son, Theo. Father and son have become famous on the internet thanks to a short clip posted by Michael to TikTok. In the clip, we see baby Theo standing up in his cradle and his dad coming over to play a little with him.

Up until this day, Michael had always had a beard and his son had got to know his dad like this (i.e. always wearing a beard). On this day, however, Michael decided to shave the beard off and then show himself to little Theo. Playing around, Michael approached the crable with his head covered by a white towel. Up to this moment, everything was normal for Theo: his father was always doing silly things like this. Something, however, was about to change.

@michaelbalderson36/Tik Tok

@michaelbalderson36/Tik Tok

When Michael took off the towel and showed his cleanly-shaved face to his son, the child was completely dumbfounded. Was this person his father? Was he a stranger? And, if so, who? Theo's little face seemed to simultaneously ask these questions. Incredulous, open-mouthed and baffled, Theo didn't know what to do and looked to his mum for help and support (she was hiding away filming the scene).

After a few moments of astonishment, and a little reassurance from his father, Theo began to smile, but not before first touching the face of his father.

@michaelbalderson36/Tik Tok

@michaelbalderson36/Tik Tok

A very tender, amusing moment that touched the hearts of all those who viewed it. 

Tell the truth: don't you think this is a super-cute father-son moment?
