Groom does not show up for his wedding day: the bride decides to celebrate anyway

by Mark Bennett

October 23, 2022

Groom does not show up for his wedding day: the bride decides to celebrate anyway

From a young age, many women fantasize about their wedding day. There are those who dream about the dress, the ceremony, the bouquet or the ceremony itself. And once one has met the right person, one can barely hold back one's emotions at the thought of getting married. When the proposal has been made and preparations begin, one's joy can become indescribable. This is how the long journey to one of the best days of one's life begins. Of course, this also involves spending a lot of money.

We know that organizing a wedding is never simple and how much it can cost. And sometimes, despite meticulous planning, things can go very wrong. This is what happened to the woman we want to tell you about here. Here is her story:

via Go Fund Me



Kayley Stead is a 27 year old young woman from the UK who experienced one of the saddest episodes of her life recently. In the process of getting married to the man she had loved for a long time, she had organized a lavish wedding day. Venue, the ceremony, flowers, dresses, bridesmaids and much more: everything was ready for the big event. But things didn't go as planned.

On the morning of the wedding, the woman woke up early and was getting ready when one of her friends received a call. On the other end of the phone was one of the groomsmen, who stated that the groom was missing.

That's right. The man had decided - no one knows why - to skip out on his wedding. This bad news was passed on to the bride. Of course, Kayley was crushed, but she decided to go ahead with the event anyway.



At first, Kayley did not want to give hope that the groom would eventually show up. But when she realized this would not happen, she chose to celebrate anyway. Maybe to save face, Kayley decided to push ahead and have a celebration - even if the groom was a no-show.

It goes without saying that there were moments of tears and despair during the day, but Kayley's friends did everything possible to console her. They even organized a fundraiser on GoFundMe, to help her with the expenses.



Kayley had been the main financier of the event and did not have any money to spare. Her bridesmaids launched a  donation page and raised more than $ 10,000 for her. "She did not deserve to be abandoned in this way. Kayley, you are the most beautiful person in the world and we will always be by your side," one of her friends wrote on the page.

Fortunately, when things like this happen, most of us have special people that rush to our aid. We hope that Kayley can get over this disappointment and we wish her the best of luck for the future.
