A boss fires a female lawyer because she refused to bring him coffee: she opens a new company and rejects his job application

by Mark Bennett

October 14, 2022

A boss fires a female lawyer because she refused to bring him coffee: she opens a new company and rejects his job application

The perfect job does not exist, since there are always many challenges that arise after being hired. Maybe the work you are going to do is what you have always dreamed of, but later, does not match your expectations. Getting together with colleagues or with bosses who disagree with us is never positive, especially if this dynamic turns hostile. With some experience of this, Kathleen Martinez, was a young lawyer who was unfairly fired by her employer. Fortunately, her sad story had a happy ending.

via TikTok / attorneymartinez

TikTok / attorneymartinez

TikTok / attorneymartinez

Attorney Kathleen Martinez worked for a short time in a law office made up almost exclusively of men. She, like many others, does not believe lawyering is the prerogative for men, but her employers, it seems, were not of this opinion. In an office populated by men, Kathleen's employer used to ask her to make coffee. Kathleen, of course, refused to do this. Her boss therefore decided to take action against Kathleen: he fired her, claiming that she was not suited to the conservative culture of the workplace - and, of course, because she had refused to make him a coffee.

TikTok / attorneymartinez

TikTok / attorneymartinez

This negative experience was more motivational for Kathleen than she could have imagined: as they say, "one door closes, another door opens" and shortly after being fired, new opportunities opened the female lawyer. Kathleen has started her own law business where all employees, especially women, can feel at ease. Mindful of the negative experience she had with her previous law firm, Kathleen wanted to ensure her female colleagues were treated as equals.

"In my company we wear whatever we want. The important thing is to know how to do your job," said the lawyer. "Too often, I have worn clothes that did not reflect tastes. Then I realized that I can dress however I want, and this is something that I have taught my employees. I am very happy that several female lawyers have applied to work in my office," she concluded with satisfaction.

TikTok / attorneymartinez

TikTok / attorneymartinez

Additionally, Kathleen's  determination also served to teach a life lesson to her former employer, who fired her. The man in question sent her his CV, submitting a job request. Kathleen replied to the request ironically: "Of course, we need someone to make coffee for the girls." This was a cutting retort, which shows Kathleen's spirit, don't you think?
