Grandfather spends different amounts of money on 18-year-old gifts for his grandchildren: he is accused of favoritism

by Mark Bennett

October 17, 2022

Grandfather spends different amounts of money on 18-year-old gifts for his grandchildren: he is accused of favoritism

Becoming a grandparent is, for many, the most beautiful thing that can happen in one's life. In the parenting phase, in addition to the pleasure of being with children, there are also many responsibilities to be faced. When you are a grandparent, however, you can enjoy the company of the little ones and be with them as they grow up.

And this is why many don't mind spending money when it comes to pleasing their grandchildren, especially for special occasions like turning 18. It's too bad then, that misunderstandings can arise that can disturb the family peace. The subject of this story knows something about this. Let's see what happened:

via Reddit

Pixabay - Not the actual photo

Pixabay - Not the actual photo

In a long post on Reddit, a grandfather talked about the awkward situation he found himself in due to the difference in price of gifts he gave to two of his grandchildren (who had both turned 18). "Jake and Maya are both 18 years old and are cousins. In my family, we have always cared a lot about coming of age and, for this reason, I decided that I would given them both special gifts", the grandfather said.

The first to reach this milestone age was Jake. For the occassion, his grandfather asked him what he wanted. The teenager asked for a new cell phone and nothing more. Despite his grandfather's willingness to buy him something else, the young man said he would be "satisfied" with a new phone. But when his granddaughter's 18th birthday arrived, things were different.

"For Jake I spent about $1000 dollars and he didn't want anything else. For Maya, she gave me a list of potential gifts. Given my promise, I bought all them, spending almost $ 7,000. At first I was a little unsure whether to proceed or not, but then I thought it might be unfair not to simply because Jake hadn't made any other requests," the grandfather said.

Pixabay - Not the actual photo

Pixabay - Not the actual photo

The decision, however, angered Jake's son and dad. "He told me that I am showing favoritism, but I tried to make him understand that it is not like this at all." The grandson, however, has not been convinced of this. Not knowing how to deal with the issue, the grandfather turned to the web and asked for advice. Unfortunately for him, people have agreed with Jake's dad.

"You gave both of your grandchildren a choice, but you should have spent the same amount on each of them. Nobody was forcing you to buy all the gifts on Maya's list," reads one comment. "Spending $ 7,000 on an 18-year-old's birthday is absurd," wrote another user. "Maybe you should ask Jake how he feels after what happened," said another. In spite of everything, there were some who took the grandfather's defense, claiming: "If Jake hadn't wanted anything, then would Maya also have to get nothing?".

What's your opinion about this sticky family situation?
