Man goes to his ex's house and discovers that there is only food for his daughter, and the fridge is empty: he decides to do the shopping for his ex

by Mark Bennett

September 25, 2022

Man goes to his ex's house and discovers that there is only food for his daughter, and the fridge is empty: he decides to do the shopping for his ex

The beginning of a relationship is always idyllic and full of hope, even if those expectations are not always met. We all would like to live in a fairytale relationship, with the hope that it will never change and that, above all, it will last forever. The reality, unfortunately, is very different, especially if a couple's difficulties are not addressed in the right way. In short, there are many couples who decide to separate even after getting married or having children. This does not mean, however, that one cannot continue to take care of one's family. The subject of this story is a clear example of this.

via Timelesslife

Facebook / Brandon James

Facebook / Brandon James

Brandon Carpenter is an exemplary father, who has chosen not to abandon his family despite an unsuccessful relationship with his partner. Brandon had a beautiful daughter with his ex and his love for her is absolutely unconditional. When the couple separated, they were well aware that they would remain connected by the deep love they had for their daughter and that is why Brandon has never failed in his duties as a father. Moreover, he has never hidden the great respect he has for his former partner - the woman who gave birth to his greatest treasure.

One day, while the little girl was with Brandon, the ex-partner asked him if he could come over to get some medicine for the baby. Brandon didn't have to be asked twice and headed over the ex's house to get the medicines. Here, however, he was stunned to discover that the fridge was half empty: there was nothing but bottles of water inside. The pantry contained only the essentials for his daughter: infant formula and snacks. In that moment, Brandon realized his ex was not eating in order to provide for their child.


It was then that Brandon decided to do something to support his ex: "She works full time and also takes care of my daughter. She pays the rent and all the bills, plus the car," the man wrote on Facebook. "So, I went shopping today to make sure she had food for the next few weeks. Just because we're not together anymore doesn't mean I can't take care of her if she needs it." This gesture was highly appreciated by web users.

"If my daughter's mother is fine, then I know that she is taking care of her to the best of her ability and that makes me happy. Some of you may think that I should only pay for my daughter's expenses, but this reasoning vapid. It's time to grow up and take responsibility for all aspects of life!" Brandon concluded, gaining the support and respect from many web users. Do you agree?
