Father wins 3.5 million euros in the lottery, but does not share it with his children: they ruin his car with a hammer

by Mark Bennett

October 16, 2022

Father wins 3.5 million euros in the lottery, but does not share it with his children: they ruin his car with a hammer

Money does not bring happiness, but it certainly can make anyone's life much easier. But when you win large sums of money, is it mandatory to share your fortune with your children? That's what Mr Alex Robertson, a chauffeur residing in Glasgow, Scotland, who recently won 3.5 million euros, has certainly wondered. He refused to share the win with his two sons who, in response, decided to destroy his car with a hammer. Here's the story:

via Mirror

Pixabay - Not the Actual Photo

Pixabay - Not the Actual Photo

Mr. Robertson participated in a syndicate of 12 chauffeurs to play the lottery together, and they won 44 million euros. The jackpot, of course, was split between all the syndicate members. When Mr. Robertson told his children how much he had won, they imagined that they too would receive a share - but it was not to be.

According to William Robertson - one of the two sons (the other being Alex Junior) - the win was "the worst thing that could have happened: it literally destroyed our family". Mr. Robertson initially said he wanted to use part of the winnings to take his wife to Australia to visit her twin brother. However, things turned out differently.

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

According to his children, Mr. Robertson began to buy expensive things for himself, like a luxury car, causing a lot of friction in the family. It seems that he even criticized his children, accusing them of having sent numerous and insistent messages demanding a share. In the end, he only gave them a carton of cigarettes.

This gift was not enough to appease the anger of the two sons, who decided to damage their father's new car with a hammer. Soon after, William and Alex Junior decided to turn themselves into the police in order not to shirk their responsibility for the vandalism. At the police station, they said: "We reached the driveway around 11.00 pm and we bashed our father's car with a hammer."

This was certainly not a diplomatic way to resolve a family dispute, but who do you think is rightThe father or his children?
