Man sees a woman forced to sit on the ground at a bus stop: he builds a bench for her

Many people love their neighborhoods and often get angry when there is something that does not work properly: at times, this can also cause us to want to intervene ourselves to fix things - but often, work and other commitments get in the way of these intentions. James Warren, a young man from Colorado, United States, decided to improve his neighborhood, in the city of Denver, at zero cost.
via Washingtonpost

James was walking in his neighborhood when he spotted something amiss. "A woman was waiting for the bus, sitting in the muddy road (as it had just rained). I told myself this wasn't acceptable, and I decided I'd do something for my fellow citizens," he said. That sight inspired him to provide concrete assistance to his community: "I immediately thought of building a bench for the bus stop".
Since his dad is in the construction industry, and he grew up with a lot of tools, James knew he had the basic skills needed to build a bench. Warren found the material he needed by searching construction sites in his neighborhood, and he was allowed him to take some wood. He built a bench and placed it at the bus stop where, weeks before, he had seen a poor woman sitting on the ground. Since then, he has built eight customized benches and placed them at bus stops throughout the area.
Each bench requires a few hours of work and each looks different, as they are made with wood scraps: "I let the wood speak to me," James explained. He then installs them by hand at bus stops with no seating areas. "I have not yet asked the City if I can legally do this ... but until they stop me, I will continue to do so", he commented. Even though each bench is unique, James makes sure to engrave the same message on all of them: "Be nice". He later said: "Sometimes it is difficult to change the world around us, but the truth is that anyone can be kind. I hope to be an inspiration to those who want to experience the best of themselves," he said.
Apparently, James's actions have inspired others to also set up seating for public transport stops. "It was really nice to see other people doing the same thing. It's no longer just one man doing something for his neighborhood, but men and women from all over the community helping to improve the place they live in."
A wonderful act of altruism that has improved the days of many people and, we are sure, James' life too. Well done!