Man sees his obituary in the newspaper: "relatives and friends called in tears to find out what had happened"

by Mark Bennett

September 03, 2022

Man sees his obituary in the newspaper: "relatives and friends called in tears to find out what had happened"

Many people are in the habit of buying the newspaper every morning and updating themselves on what has happened overnight in the world. Among the articles published, obituaries also appear in the papers. So, what if one day, you see your own obituary in the newspaper?

We guess your reaction wouldn't be the best, right? This is precisely what happened to a man from La Ferté-Bernard, in the French Loire: he discovered that he had died in the published obituaries. Fortunately (and obviously), this was not the case. Here's what happened:

via Le Matin

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

On a day like any other, Patrice Leroy was reading the newspaper when he noticed something extremely unusual: in the paper there was an obituary in which his name appeared. According to the announcement, he had passed away only a few hours earlier. On top of everything, Patrice's obituary was printed the next day too.

"At the beginning, we did not pay any attention to the error," said his wife. "The concern started when my husband's obituary appeared again in the newspaper the following day. So, we contacted relatives to reassure them, but many people called home in tears to find out what had happened."

Pexels - Not the actual photo

Pexels - Not the actual photo

This was a horrible happening for the 57-year-old, who, only a few days earlier, had got married. In fact, the news of his wedding was published at the same time as his obituary. A double announcement with diametrically opposed emotions. When Patrice and his wife saw that the situation was getting out of hand (they were receiving flowers and letters of condolence at their home), they contacted the newspaper and asked for the obituary be retracted.

This was done immediately, although the newspaper has denied being responsible for making a mistake. An investigation has been started to find out how this could have happened. It is a pity that Patrice's life has been turned upside down, especially so shortly after having gotten married.

How would you have reacted in this man's shoes?
