Model is kicked out of a supermarket because she is "too beautiful": "I felt humiliated"

Beauty and fame are highly coveted qualities in today's world - we all want to be beautiful and famous, but these qualities can also be counterproductive. Some influencers have to fight against the prejudices of the public on a daily basis, and know all about this negative phenomenon very well.
A very clear example is what happened to Iara Ferreira, a model originally from Brazil. She is an influencer on Instagram and had to deal with an unusual and bizarre situation. Read on to find out what happened:
via Mirror
The young woman said she felt discriminated against at a Miami supermarket. She was on vacation and was shopping when she was approached by an employee. The employee was a Brazilian, just like Iara, recognized her and asked her to leave the supermarket immediately. The woman said she was thrown out of the shop for the simple fact of being too "attractive" - despite the fact that she was wearing the same clothes she wears every day in Brazil.
She said: "I was in shock when she escorted me out of the supermarket. My dress wasn't inappropriate. I wear it in Brazil, every day, and this type of thing has never happened to me." Iara explained that she was completely alone at the store at the time and the sales clerk apparently feared Iara would start photographing herself in the store.
"I felt humiliated," she said. "The employee kicked me out and accused me of doing something I hadn't even thought about. It was only because I'm too attractive. Sure, I admit I've shot videos and selfies in public, but I've always asked for permission and have never embarrassed anyone," she said.
It is not the first time that Iara has had such an experience. Some time earlier, she had been involved in an unpleasant conversation with three women about wearing a "skimpy" bathing suit on a beach in Brazil. "When they chastised me, I was ashamed. I took my things and left the beach. They did it out of jealousy, I'm sure," commented the model. "Even good-looking people can suffer and are judged harshly," she added.
What do you think? Is it okay for someone to be treated unkindly because they are "too beautiful"?