21-year-old becomes a millionaire by selling soap: "I've always been independent and I've been successful"

Could you ever imagine that a 13-year-old girl could find a way to become a millionaire? The question seems absurd, but it really happened: Lily is an American woman who has managed to put her skills to work from a very young age and has achieved enormous success.
This is a very interesting story that she herself has told several times - perhaps also to encourage others to try to do the same. Let's find out about this young woman's story together:
via The Sun

Lily Ellison started making artisan soap at a very young age and it has made her famous all over the world. Not aware of the success that she would achieve in a very short time, the girl started her soap production as a hobby. She loved spending whole afternoons looking for new fragrances with which to create soaps, and she worked with perseverance and tenacity. Then, in agreement with her mother, she decided to share her products on the web and to sell her soap. Customers were not long in coming.
"My parents have always taught me to be independent," said the young woman. "So, when I realized that I was interested in the little chemical experiments I had done with my father, I went to work. My parents were never very involved in this - not out of nastiness - but to teach me responsibility. When I went to school I had to get up alone, prepare breakfast and lunch - they didn't help me to do this," she continued. "And I didn't even get any pocket money, like many of my classmates did".
In short, Lily had to learn to fend for herself, without waiting for her mom and dad to provide for her needs, and, apparently, her parents made the right choice.
Commitment and willpower have borne fruit and today, at just 21 years old, this young woman owns one of the most prominent US soap companies, the Handmade Soap Club. She is now a millionaire and shares her success with her family and boyfriend.
This is an interesting story that also represents a starting point for many young people who cannot find their own path, but would like to achieve similar success. Lily wants to encourage everyone to believe in their dreams and to work hard to make them come true, because in life, everything is possible - you just need to want it enough.
What do you think about this story?