A tearful waitress describes how 11 people walked out of her restaurant without paying the bill

Working in catering can give one great satisfaction, but also great disappointment in some cases. The work of a waiter, for example, sometimes involves moments of despair - especially when customers are not willing to leave even one dollar as a tip. In the United States, tips for this category of worker is even more critical, since the salary of each waiter really depends on these gratuities from customers; and, in some cases, if a customer does not pay the bill, the waiters have pay it. The young woman tearfully posted a video to TikTok will not be forced to pay the bill for a group of people who showed up at her restaurant during her shift and who, without hesitating, left without paying for their meal.
via TikTok / viseuez

The young subject of this story was in the middle of her night shift when a group of 11 people showed up for a meal. From what can be seen on her video on TikTok, these people arrived at the restaurant at around four in the morning and ordered several drinks. "They ordered drinks, ate a lot, but when it came to paying the bill, things didn't go as expected," explained the tearful waitress.
This waitress drew up a $ 220 dollar bill for the group of customers, but nobody in the group offered to pay it immediately. In fact, this group of customers took advantage of the waitress's momentary absence, when she was dealing with something else for a few minutes. Upon her return, not only did she not find anyone at the table, but a paltry $ 3 dollars had been left on the table - very far from the $ 220 dollars that was owning. Of course, the most shocking thing for this waitress was not the insulting, $3 dollar tip the group had left, but the fact that they had skipped out on their entire bill.

"I hope you are all back home safe and sound," wrote the young woman to vent her frustration, "but I hope you feel guilty now. You are bad people, and have done a wicked thing," she added. Of course, such behavior is absolutely not acceptable: these 11 people have literally stolen from the restaurant where the young woman works and there is no justification for this.
We hope that such episodes do not repeat themselves and that this young woman does not have to live through another experience like this in the future.