Bride gets angry when the wedding venue is changed to accommodate her disabled stepdaughter

Marriage is a very important event in a person's life and for this reason, couples work hard to ensure that everything about their wedding is well organized and goes flawlessly, just as they always dreamed of. Unfortunately, in the vast majority of cases, there is always some unforeseen event that can upset a "perfect plan" and this is often the cause of great tensions erupting: an example of this, is the story we are about to tell you about, and which has as its subjects, two gay women who were ready to get married.
via Reddit

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The women had been planning their nuptials in great detail for a couple of years, but five months before the wedding day, the 14-year-old daughter of one of the brides was struck by a drunk driver and was paralyzed. "My fiancée and I - who has an excellent relationship with my daughter - had already paid the deposit for the wedding location at a beautiful castle- which has always been my future bride's dream," wrote the woman in a post on Reddit. . However, the place where the ceremony would have taken place had three flights of stairs and did not have an elevator - obviously not a suitable location for a paraplegic.
The 14-year-old did not feel comfortable attending the wedding in her wheelchair, so she told the brides that she could not attend and they should proceed with the original plans for the wedding at the castle. After a few weeks, however, the daughter was able to gain more dexterity and confided to her mother that she now wanted to attend the ceremony. As a result, the woman decided to change the place of the ceremony to another venue, previously agreed upon with her future wife, in light of her daughter's handicap. Once the location's website became active, the woman discovered that there was only one day open that was availble for the wedding, so she booked it immediately, and without notifying her future wife at the time.
"When she got home and I advised her what I had done, she flew into a rage, stating that she no longer wanted to get married in the "backup" location because a castle had been her dream veneue since she had been a child. The payment had been made and my daughter would have felt incredibly guilty if she was the cause of ruining her two mothers' wedding, since she also considers my fiancée as her mother. But my fiancée retorted by saying that I had ruined her childhood dream and my daughter could have watched the wedding proceedings on a video call. I told her that she should not talk like this because my daughter had gone through months of absolute hell. I said I would not stop her from coming to attend such an important day - an important day for her too ", said the woman.

"When I broke the news to my daughter, she was happy and put even more effort into her physiotherapy so that she could be at her best on the wedding day. My fiancée, on the other hand, was less enthusiastic about the change of location and got annoyed every time someone talked about the wedding. I tried to talk to her and apologized, but she says that everything is fine. But she's a bad liar," continued the mother, asking her followers for advice on how to handle the situation.
Her followers fully agreed that her fiancée was very selfish in not considering the needs of her stepdaughter. This made her mother think twice about the whole relationship - and shealso asked her sister for advice. Finally, after a few weeks of rumination, she decided to cancel the wedding and break up with her fiancée: "We broke up - she was my best friend for years and it was tough, but it was definitely best this way. Since I paid in advance for the the venue, we will throw a party for my daughter there, to celebrate her progress." What do you think about this story? Was the mother right or could she have handled things differently?