Wife doesn't clean the house for 3 weeks hoping her husband will help, but he moves in with his mother instead

by Mark Bennett

July 23, 2022

Wife doesn't clean the house for 3 weeks hoping her husband will help, but he moves in with his mother instead

In a relationship you should always divide the tasks according to your abilities and skills, without finding absurd excuses to avoid the most boring and tiring housework chores. Caring for the home should be something that is important to both spouses, although it is usually the woman who is most "involved" with keeping everything in order. In any case, it is good that there is a division of household chores, mainly to avoid unnecessary arguments between a husband and wife. One woman, however, decided to teach her husband a lesson. He never lifted a finger around the house to help her and continuously called her "lazy" because of the so-called inefficient way she cleaned the home. The woman, "mrsmessytiktok" on TikTok, has saw fit to show the world which of the two is really the lazy one in this situation.

via TikTok / mrsmessytiktok

TikTok / mrsmessytiktok

TikTok / mrsmessytiktok

Was this woman being unreasonable to expect her husband to help cleaning their home? To test the waters, she left responsibility for taking care of the home entirely in his hands for three weeks. But by doing this, there was no certainty that the house will actually be cleaned by the husband. To see what would happen, the woman made a video and posted it to TikTok accoutn, mrsmessytiktok, in which she decided to show her husband the truth, after he had accused her of not cleaning up efficiently. The woman decided to entrust her husband with the responsibility of cleaning the home, and she stopped her regular household chores, including cleaning up, for three weeks: do you think the husban ever once dusted or vacuumed? Of course not. After 21 days of total neglect, the house was reduced to a disaster zone and the man, in response to this, decided to move in with his mother for a few days.

TikTok / mrsmessytiktok

TikTok / mrsmessytiktok

The relationship between these spouses really seems to be like one that we typically saw in the 1950s: the woman was exclusively entrusted with the tasks of looking after the house and children, while the man went to work - a clear demarcation of duties. The woman in question, however, has a job, like many others, and she never complains when she has to do household chores. Of course, she would like her husband to help with the chores and this is why she has decided to carry out this little "social experiment". Unfortunately, however, the experiment does not seem to have been successful, since the husband preferred to leave the messy home rather rolling up his sleeves and getting stuck in helping to clean it up.

TikTok / mrsmessytiktok

TikTok / mrsmessytiktok

At the end of the video clip, the woman says she is "happy" that her husband is absence: now she can clean up the house, it stays cleaner for longer, and she can enjoy it with her little son. Her story attracted a lot of comments encouraging the woman to divorce her husband: "My friend, I think it's time to sign the divorce papers" wrote one user, while another added "If you feel happy when your husband is not at home, that's not a good sign." Indeed it is not, but what would you recommend to this woman? In your opinion, could the failure to contribute to doing household chores be a valid reason for filing for divorce?
