Woman goes to the hospital thinking she has kidney stones, but is actually pregnant: she gives birth a few minutes later

by Mark Bennett

July 21, 2022

Woman goes to the hospital thinking she has kidney stones, but is actually pregnant: she gives birth a few minutes later

Nowadays it seems really difficult to believe that you can be pregnant without even realizing it, but it is not so rare to read about such cases. Kayla, who calls herself "mamafusti" on TikTok, posted a video to the social media platform in which she claimed to have gone to the hospital for a problem that she attributed to kidney stones and which, instead, she discovered to be something completely different. The pain she was suffering was not a kidney stones problem - in fact what is was was the fact that the woman was in her 38th week of pregnancy.

via TikTok / mamafusti

Tik Tok screenshot / mamafusti

Tik Tok screenshot / mamafusti

Kayla wasn't ready to hear this news, even though, fortunately, her pains weren't related to a serious health problem. She couldn't have known, of course, that one day, while she was at work, she would feel a sudden, stabbing pain in her stomach. She herself thought that she had kidney stones, having done some online research in which she found herself perfectly fitting the symptoms of this problem. After having an ultrasound at the hospital, Kayle feared her situation was very serious judging by the doctors' expression. Fortunately, she was wrong.

Kayla was pregnant and, as if that weren't enough, she was about to give birth. After a few minutes the woman gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby girl. Both the mother and the little girl had no health issues and everything worked out for the best - although Kayla was in shock. This event was so unexpected and incredible that the woman was reunited with the child's father (from whom she had decided to separate a few months earlier). Now the couple, together again, are expecting their second child!


For her second pregnancy, Kayla received the news well in advance:

For her second pregnancy, Kayla received the news well in advance:

Tik Tok screenshot / mamafusti

But why had Kayla not noticed anything amiss earlier? The woman explained that she has polycystic ovary syndrome, so she didn't give much thought to not having her period. Moreover, a few months before the birth of her first daughter, she had started taking birth control pills, and she had attributed the consequent weight gain to this.

It is certainly not that common fall pregnant without realizing it and, at the first sign of any symptoms, you should consult a doctor. In any case, we are happy that not only did Kayla have any serious health problems, but that this bizarre event brought her back together with her husband, with whom she now building a beautiful family. Our best wishes to them all!
