Young woman shows off her wedding dress which she purchased for less than 4 euros: it is identical to a more expensive model

by Mark Bennett

July 15, 2022

Young woman shows off her wedding dress which she purchased for less than 4 euros: it is identical to a more expensive model

Organizing your wedding is not easy and requires a lot of energy, starting with the choice of your wedding dress. It is normal to want to appear in great physical shape and with a dress that emphasizes this beauty. As a result, many people do not mind the expenses related to this special day. Wedding dresses can cost more than € 1000 euros  ($ 1,200 dollars)and they can be super expensive when compared to the price of regular dresses. 32-year-old Jillian Lynch, is among those brides who do not want to spend so much on a dress they will wear only once in their lives. As a result, the choice of her very cheap, yet beautiful, wedding dress, amazed the web.

via TikTok / jilly_lynch

TikTok / jilly_

TikTok / jilly_

Jillian Lynch wanted to look perfect for her wedding, but she didn't want to spend a fortune on a one-time dress either. So, this young woman decided to buy a much cheaper dress - but she still managed to enhance her beauty on her special day. Jillian searched for the "perfect" dress in thrift stores across Ohio, until she found one that was right for her. In her TikTok video, which has now gone viral, the future bride proudly shows off her purchase: a very elegant ivory dress, for which she paid only € 3.64 euros ($ 3.72 dollars).

A real bargain, don't you think?

The matching shoes were also purchased, saving her even more: in fact, she paid only € 8 euros!

TikTok / jilly_

TikTok / jilly_

“Honestly, brides pay thousands of dollars to look good in a white dress like that - I think you got a deal,” commented one user, complimenting the young woman. In addition, the dress which purchased for less than 5 euros in a thrift shop, complete with an famouns brand label, and was completely identical to a model that was sold for € 213 euros online.

Jillian then made some small, tailored changes to the dress that meant her to paying a bit of extra money, but overall, the cost never even remotely exceeded the cost of a wedding dress which one might buy in a specialized shop.

Do you also agree that one should avoid spending a fortune on the purchase of wedding dresses?
