Couple with Down syndrome conquers the web: she is a successful model and he is an established cook

by Mark Bennett

July 11, 2022

Couple with Down syndrome conquers the web: she is a successful model and he is an established cook

Each of us has a dream in life, a goal that we would like to achieve at all costs. However, it is not always possible to do this. There are circumstances, personal circumstances and various other reasons that could prevent us from achieving our goals. But we can be sure of one thing: if there is a will, there is a way and even the most seemingly insurmountable obstacle can be overcome. The two young people we want to tell you about in this story are proof of this.

Having become very famous on the internet and beyond, these young people with Down syndrome have overturned all the prejudices against them and made their respective wishes come true. Let's find out who they are and what they did.

via CBS News

Sofia Jirau and Chris Gonzàlez are a young, engaged couple who have very interesting careers in life. She is a successful model, while he trained to become a chef and opened a restaurant. So, what's the problem with this? Absolutely nothing - they are simply to be admired for the tenacity and strength they have shown in having overcome the prejudices relating to the intellectual disability from which they suffer. These two young people have Down syndrome, a condition that, in many people's stereotyped beliefs, could place severe limits on children and adults - but in this case, the opposite is true.


The young couple, like so many others, are committed to achieving their goals. They have invested their energy and efforts to be able to realize their greatest dreams. Sofia has become a very famous model, and she has appeared on the covers of many newspapers and magazines, travels the world for photo shoots, and is one of the most requested supermodels with Down syndrome. An important thing for her is being in love with her boyfriend, despite him being miles away at time.

Chris, who also suffers from Down syndrome, has been able to turn his aspirations into reality as well. He studied, got his driving license and opened his own restaurant on wheels. It's a mobile food truck that has a very high number of customers.

Fotos de recuerdos. Mi novio me hizo sopresa ayer en mi casa

Pubblicato da Sofia Jirau su Mercoledì 27 aprile 2022

Reading such stories is a truly wonderful way to make your heart feel good and look at life with hope and promise. When we feel defeated, down in the dumps and see only darkness around us, we should remember Sofia and Chris. This couple - and the many like them - have never given up in life, have persevered, have looked to the future with their heads held high and, in the end, have achieved the goals they set out to achieve.

Congratulations to the two of them for giving us this lesson in tenacity and willpower.
