Grandchildren take their grandfather to a restaurant where the waiters are deliberately rude: the 82-year-old man is shocked

by Mark Bennett

June 21, 2022

Grandchildren take their grandfather to a restaurant where the waiters are deliberately rude: the 82-year-old man is shocked

Many grandchildren like to spend time with their grandparents and have fun with them, especially if they are sociable people who like to joke and play games in whatever the situation they find themselves in. Albert's grandchildren know this very well, it being true for their grandfather. And so it was that Albert found himself having dinner with his grandchildren in a very special restaurant - a place renowned, above all, for the rudeness of its staff (which is a deliberate, novel policy).

We are not kidding - this is the policy of Sheffield's Karen's Diner. Let's find out together what happens every night in the restaurant and, in particular, how Albert reacted to it, unaware of the policy, and accompanied by his grandchildren.

via elliecoleman48/Tik Tok

elliecoleman48/Tik Tok

elliecoleman48/Tik Tok

Albert, having dinner with his grandchildren - including Ellie Coleman, the author of the video and the post that has collected about 4 million views - at some point realized that something was wrong. The 82-year-old man, once seated at the table and intent on having his dinner, noticed some strange in the attitudes  of the staff. The waiters addressed him, and all the other customers, in a very rude manner.

This left him dumbfounded and shocked, but he didn't think for a moment about getting up and leaving. On the contrary, he stayed and finished his meal. The insults, however, continued and, although the man tried to be as courteous as possible, he could not get any reciprocal treatment from the staff.

elliecoleman48/Tik Tok

elliecoleman48/Tik Tok

Ellie, his niece, had concocted the prank and videoed the evening which went viral on the web when she posted it. The elderly man's incredulity is clear for all to see, but when he found out it was all just a prank, he wasn't upset and even confessed that he could fit well into working for a place like this. In short, it was a fun evening that made many users laugh, while others stated that his grandchildren will eventually be forgiven. And they should now invite their grandfather to dinner again - but perhaps in a "normal" restaurant this time.

elliecoleman48/Tik Tok

elliecoleman48/Tik Tok

There are several restaurants like this and all of them are very popular. Specifically, this one was created with the intention of becoming a sort of therapy for customers too. Anyone who enters the restaurant is not only insulted, but can respond and be as rude as they like to the "abusive" staff. This is something that some patrons really enjoy, while others find it ridiculous and in bad taste.

Have you ever had dinner in a place like this? If so, tell us about your experience in the comments.
