Young woman moves into the house she just bought and discovers that two homeless people live on her porch

by Mark Bennett

June 17, 2022

Young woman moves into the house she just bought and discovers that two homeless people live on her porch

Buying a new home is always a huge challenge. Things could go well, or there could be problems - small or big. From the neighbors, to noise, to the things to fix in the house, etc -  let's say that the unexpected is just around the corner and we need to find a way to deal with it in the best way possible.

The subject of this story found herself in a rather peculiar and strange situation. The woman, as soon as she moved into her new home, had to deal with a couple of unexpected tenants. Let's find out what happened together:

via Inside Edition

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Pixabay - Not the actual photo

Lisa Kurtz, is a young woman who bought her new home in Phoenix, Arizona and who, after she moved in, found a surprise waiting for her. The woman did not know that, during the renovations, the previous owner had given permission to two homeless people to take refuge on the porch of the house - asking in exchange, that they keep on eye on the property while the house was being built. When the work was finished and without thinking about the change of ownership, the two had continued to live on the porch and Lisa had to face this unusual situation.

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Pixabay - Not the actual photo

So, what could be done? Let these unfortunate people continue to occupy part of her house, or send them away? This was not an easy choice and Lisa was unable to give an immediate answer. "I knew that sending them away would mean them sleeping under a bridge and in summer it is not ideal, given the temperatures," said the woman in an interview. She continued: "Eventually, I decided to give them the ok to stay and they became proper tenants. Unfortunately we don't have an extra room, so they have to be content to stay on the porch, but they have the house keys and can use the bathroom, the laundry room and the kitchen ".

In short, Lisa has decided to make a huge gesture of altruism and generosity. How many would have acted like her and allowed two complete strangers to live in their home? Probably very few, but we are happy to be able to discover, from time to time, stories that are similar to this one and that give us hope and let us look at the world with hopeful and joyful eyes.

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

For Lisa, nothing has fundemantally changed - she has continued her with her life and there have not been too many changes: but for the homeless and indigent couple, staying in on her porch meant a lot and, above all, gave them a way to feel "at home".

What do you think about this woman's decision? How would you have acted if you were in her shoes?
