Man finds a backpack with $ 4,600 and returns it to the owner: it was money was to pay salaries

by Mark Bennett

April 03, 2022

Man finds a backpack with $ 4,600 and returns it to the owner: it was money was to pay salaries

Have you ever had a moment of forgetfulness or been particularly distracted? It can happen to anyone to forget some very important things because one experiences a moment of confusion, anxiety or particular stress that inhibits one's ability to think clearly. But we should pay close attention to our memories, as they can play unexpected tricks on us. For example, due to haste or forgetfulness, you could inadvertently lose objects of great value, as happened in this story - which luckily had a happy ending thanks to the kind heart of a person who decided to do the right thing ...

via La Voz

LP Spain/Flickr - Not The Actual Photo

LP Spain/Flickr - Not The Actual Photo

The story we want to tell you about today, happened in Villa Maria, Argentina, where a man named Henry by chance found a backpack full of money: inside the bag there was an amount of money equal to about $4,600 dollars - a considerably large sum for Argentinae. Not knowing who the rightful owner was, he decided that he would take that backpack and secure its contents in order to keep it safe and return it to its rightful owner: "I grabbed the backpack and two people told me it belonged to them. I didn't know who the real owner was, but it certainly wasn't them because as soon as I told them I knew the person who lost the backpack, they ran away. There are always people in the world who want to steal that which doesn't belong to them. "

After checking thoroughly inside the backpack if there were any documents identifying to the rightful owner, Henry finally found what he was interested in: there was the phone number of the owner of the backpack. Henry didn't think twice and immediately contacted the owner. On the other end of the phone, the man was surprised by what Henry was reporting, since he hadn't even noticed that the backpack full of money was gone; a perfect case showing forgetfulness that can cause major problems.

Wikimedia/Not The Actual Photo

Wikimedia/Not The Actual Photo

The man on the other end of the phone thanked Henry for scuring his backpack and that it was vital it was returned as he needed them to pay his employees' wages. To reward everything he had done for him, Henry was eventually invited by the man to lunch -  paid for, of course, by rightful owner of the backpack.

Henry said, "You have to do what is right, give back what isn't yours, anytime, anyway. Now he wants to give me this gift, but even a simple thanks would be fine."

So do you believe that doing the right thing always pays off?
