Long-haired plumber is fired because he refuses to get a haircut: he's hired almost immediately by another company

by Mark Bennett

March 26, 2022

Long-haired plumber is fired because he refuses to get a haircut: he's hired almost immediately by another company

The haircut (or hairstyle) is certainly one way to express one's personality, and more. Just think of how fashion has evolved over the decades and you will immediately understand how some cut styles were the fashion statements of a bygone era: long hair, for example, was very fashionable in the 60s and 70s, when it was easy to meet and greet people on the street - the time of the famous (or infamous, depending on your opinion) "flower children / hippies". Long hair has always had a political connotation, which is why it is sometimes demonized in the workplace (or at least, frowned upon). Just like with clothes, tattoos or skin color, you can also be discriminated against about how you choose to wear your hair, apparently. Here, we tell you a story of an employer fired an employee who refused to cut his hair to meet a rule imposed by the company.

via Reddit / naturalviber

Unsplash / Not the actual photo

Unsplash / Not the actual photo

A plumber shared his story on with a Reddit group, describing how he was hired by a company and how he was also praised for his professionalism and skills. So, given this context, it was too bad when the owner of the company saw the length of his employee's hair, and gave him an ultimatum: "Either cut it or you're fired" was the gist of this unreasonable deman. The young man kept his hair tied up and covered by a hat, which is why his boss had never seen the plumber's long hair before this time. In point of fact, before the length of his hair had been discovered, this employee had been chosen as one of the best plumbers in the company - so much so that he had recently received a small raise and a personal van.

But the employer suddenly changed his mind after seeing his employee sporting shoulder length hair. "Cut your hair short by tomorrow, or you're fired" he ordered. But despite this threat, the employee replied that he wouldn't change his hair style just to fill the role of being a plumber. As an alternative, the employee proposed that the boss move him to another role if his long hair was indeed an issue - but his boss still refused to back down.

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

At that point, the employee took his tools and said goodbye to the company that had hired him just two weeks earlier: "Thank you for wasting my time" said the plumber to the boss, after which he headed for his car and went off to present his CV to another plumbing company not far from the one from which he had just been fired. The young plumber quickly found another job in the same role - but this time his hair was no problem for his new boss, with whom he also joked about what happened at the previous company.

What can we say? Looking respectable in the workplace is one thing, but making judgements about you based on inflexible, antiquated rules, and for no apparent valid reason is another thing. What do you think?
