When a boyfriend finds out how much his girlfriend earns, he asks her to pay half of the mortgage: she refuses

by Mark Bennett

March 09, 2022

When a boyfriend finds out how much his girlfriend earns, he asks her to pay half of the mortgage: she refuses

When a couple decides to live together, it is important to talk about how the finances will be managed, since it will certainly come up in time as the couple share their lives together. Expenses and earnings must be shared, but fair, honest and just rules must be established so as not to risk ruining the relationship itself. It is well known that the question of money is always very sensitive and couples often "break up" for this very reason. A young woman told her story on Reddit about her experiences with her boyfriend: she had been living with her boyfriend for a year and a half and now was the time to have a serious discussion about their finances. In a nutshell, when her boyfriend found out how much she was earning per month, he asked her to pay half of the mortgage, as she was moving into his house. She refused, however, and Reddit users didn't blame her.

via Reddit

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

She (22) and he (29) decided to move in with each other after a year and a half of having a relationship. Before getting to know each other, she was renting a small apartment while he bought a house. Having entered into a relationship, the two then decided to move on to the next step, that is living together. At this point, logic dictated that she move into her boyfriend's home and leave her rented apartment. The problems started when the two revealed their monthly salaries to each other. He, being a doctor, clearly thought he would get much more money than her, but the young woman - who works as a social media manager by profession - left herboyfriend speechless when he saw just how much his girlfriend was earning. In fact, he was so stunned that he said: "I asked you how much you earn per month , not in a year ". Once he understood that his girlfriend was earning 150% more than him, the young man didn't think twice about asking her to pay half the monthly house mortgage.

To this request, which at first might seem reasonable, the young woman replied in the negative: "At that point I was a little surprised. I mean, it's not that I had no intention of contributing at all. I would have been happy to buy groceries, pay utilities, do the cooking and cleaning - also I know my workload is much lower than his. So I told him this, and said that I would not pay half the mortgage. "

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

The boyfriend did not take this refusal well at all and reiterated that, since she was no longer paying rent, she could now pay for part the mortgage expenses. The young woman, however, replied with some clarifications in this regard: first of all, the installment of her rent was much lower than that of her boyfriend's loan; moreover, if one day things did not go as they hoped, he would end up with a paid-for house and she would have nothing; finally, at the time she was earning so much because she had a client from a country where the currency is nearly 20 times more valuable than that of her country.

In the end, she proposed a compromise: since the house is not furnished, she offered to pay for furniture and this in addition to contributing to all of the other expenses mentioned before. Unfortunately, her boyfriend insisted on asking her to pay half the mortgage.

Users have been a bit divided on the issue. There are those who argue that she should not have refused to contribute to the costs of the mortgage; then there are others who are totally on her side: "The house belongs to him, the mortgage is in his name, so it is he who should pay the mortgage in its entirety" .
