Husband does not do the laundry unless he also has clothes to wash: his wife teaches him a hard lesson

by Mark Bennett

March 07, 2022

Husband does not do the laundry unless he also has clothes to wash: his wife teaches him a hard lesson

Sharing household chores equally isn't always easy and, at times, you end up nursing a grudge against your lazy partner. The limit of your patience could come after a long day at work, for example: upon returning home, one is often weighed down by stress and frustration, and only wishes for an evening wearing sweatpants and hugging one's understanding, loving partner. TikTok user "mumlifechoseme", however, described one of her many evenings at home where things did not go like this at all. One day coming home from work and opening the front door, she found herself facing a basket of dirty clothes with a note written on it: "These are YOUR clothes," the note read (written by her husband). Is there anyone who could remain calm in the face of such passive aggression? The woman in question, in fact, decided to adopt an unique attitude that worked perfectly as a revenge against her insensitive husband.

via TikTok / mumlifechoseme

TikTok / mumlifechoseme

TikTok / mumlifechoseme

This TikToker - who is also a wife and mother - has published a video that has now gone viral on how she "got revenge" on her husband after he let her find a load of dirty clothes to wash. When your husband decides that he does not do the laundry unless there are also his clothes in the hamper, then there is only one plausible responese and 'mumlifechoseme' found it.

TikTok / mumlifechoseme

TikTok / mumlifechoseme

The solution was simple - from that moment on, the woman only did the washing of her clothes and those of her children, and ignoring the dirty clothes of her husband. Basically, she paid the man back with the same coin she was dealt - tit for tat. But the "revenge" did not end there.

Not only did the woman only wash her (and her childrens' clothers)... she even included the sheets on the bed: "From now on, I only change and wash the sheets on MY side of the bed" said the TikToker in her video.

TikTok / mumlifechoseme

TikTok / mumlifechoseme

"From now on I only do the shopping for MYSELF and my children - I hope you are not too hungry Matt!" continued the woman on TikTok. The video shows the division of the food in the fridge and a note with the words "Matt", which indicates an open plastic box with some leftover food inside.

TikTok / mumlifechoseme

TikTok / mumlifechoseme

In short, this woman taught her husband a real lesson for acting selfishly towards her.

Psychologists argue that "teaching your partner a lesson" isn't exactly the best thing to do, but many women wonder if they are doomed to be the ones in the house doing most of the housework. Are women therefore doomed to surrender to the idea that husbands, however affectionate and reasonable, simply cannot take on their fair share of the housework? Well, according to psychologist Joshua Klapow, the best thing is not to "teach a lesson" to your partner, but to communicate your grievences in a constructive manner.

TikTok / mumlifechoseme

TikTok / mumlifechoseme

What if the partner is unwilling to compromise? Well, not everything is negotiable in a relationship, but if the partner never shows any signs of repentance or regret for his/her shortcomings regarding, for example, sharing the housework, then maybe it means that he/she is much more occupied with their needs than with caring for the relationship. These are, of course, small warning signs: what are you willing to sacrifice for your relationship? Be careful not to suffocate your own needs and requirements, otherwise you risk developing an ever-growing grudge against your partner.
