Postwoman saves the life of an elderly lady when she notices that her mail is not being collected

by Mark Bennett

March 05, 2022

Postwoman saves the life of an elderly lady when she notices that her mail is not being collected

There is no one more trusted than a postman; indeed, this work allows one to learn the names, surnames and faces of the citizens of a specific neighborhood, of a specific city. And certainly the work of the person who delivers the mail is fundamental - so much so that over time, as a postman, it is very easy to remember who is who, where a certain "customer" lives, and whose face matches which name and/or surname. In short, there is very little about us that a postman does not know (at least in terms of where we live and our identities). Kayla Berridge is a talented American postwoman who has become the subject of an extraordinary rescue story.

via CNN



Our story's subject, Kayla Berridge, is a postwoman who lives in Newmarket, a small town in the United States. Having done this job for a very long time, she has made the acquaintance of many of her fellow citizens, learning by heart the names, surnames, faces and addresses of everyone on her route. And this is no surprise as her job is to deliver the mail to many of the people who live in Newmarket . Among these people, Kayla had made the acquaintance of an 80-year-old woman who collected her mail from her mailbox every day, without fail. When the postwoman noticed that it had been four days since the elderly lady had come to get her personal mail and that the mailbox was filling up, she became suspicious and concerned. Furthermore, the woman's car was still in the driveway, in the same spot where she had parked four days ago. In a nutshell, it seemed that the old woman had stayed at home and hadn't gone out at all for some reason.

As Kayla said, "When people pick up their mail every day, you start to notice their habits. I hadn't seen her in a while and I noticed that her mail hadn't been collected for at least four days, so I was kinda 'worried; I just had a gut feeling something was wrong and just wanted to make sure she was okay, that's all. "


As her concern grew, Kayla Berridge could not help but call the police and request a welfare check. When the officers broke into the elderly lady's home, they saw a terrible scene before them. The 80-year-old woman was pinned to the ground by various objects and other clutter that had fallen, knocking her down and collapsing the shelves in her bedroom on top of her. But luckily it wasn't too late to save the woman from a worse fate. Rescue arrived in time and they took the elderly woman to the nearest hostpital. Now, she is now out of danger even though she is still under observation.

If it hadn't been for the intuition and sixth sense of this extraordinary postwoman, who knows what might have happened to the poor 80-year-old woman...

And for this very reason we thank this young woman for her extraordinary act and her "intuition": you did good, Kayla!
