Proud mom shares her 19-year-old daughter's life lessons who refused to take a low-paying job

by Mark Bennett

December 21, 2021

Proud mom shares her 19-year-old daughter's life lessons who refused to take a low-paying job

Finding a job is not easy and this is perhaps the reason why many young people today are "satisfied" even with very low wages in order to keep themselves in employment. It is a vicious circle, made up of many uncertainties, and from which it is difficult to get out if you lack any concrete alternatives or choices. Fortunately, some young people still do have these choices and know how and when to stop debasing themselves. A proud mom shared the story of her 19-year-old daughter who, despite her young age and lack of experience, turned down a job at her favorite shop because the salary was too low. What if we all did this? This is the big question that arises and the young woman's mother took the opportunity to spread an important message.

via Reddit

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

It is not a question of wanting to have many options to choose from, but of being able to choose without having to swallow one's pride. The girl went for a job interview at her favorite shop, but she reluctantly had to refuse the offer she had been offered: she would have earned only about $ 9 per hour. The young woman decided that the salary would be too low to be able to support herself, and so she refused. On her part, the owner of the shop apologized for not being able to offer her more.

The mother said she was very proud of her daughter and was even a little surprised. On the one hand, she didn't expect her shy daughter to turn down a job offer at her favorite store. When she was her daughter's age, her mother would have accepted any type of job in order to gain experience and have some money - but now she has realized how counterproductive this attitude is, even in adulthood. Why fear asking for more money? She herself admitted that, at 41, she could have bargained a little harder over her salary than she did during her last job interview.

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

The mother wanted to share that most people believe that it is always the parents who give great life lessons to their children - but the truth is that it is a continuous and reciprocal relationship. This mom has evidently had an epiphany thanks to her inexperienced daughter, and she is extremely grateful to see things through this new perspective. Thousands of users on Reddit have commented with words of support on the testimony of this mother and her daughter - all hoping to be able to face employers with the same courage as the teenage daughter.
