Girlfriend refuses to move in with her boyfriend until he learns how to do simple household chores

by Mark Bennett

January 08, 2022

Girlfriend refuses to move in with her boyfriend until he learns how to do simple household chores

Coexisting is never easy, but it is certainly something that those in a romantic relationship need to master. Unfortunately, as well as you think you may know someone, there are often many hidden sides of everyone's character and habits they have that only show themselves when certain conditions arise. Living with someone is probably the only way to really get to know someone well and understand if you are compatible with each other. As for the rules of coexistence, here too you need to have gone through them and reached an understanding. For example, is your partner willing to do as much housework as you do? If not, the plan to live together could already be off to a rough start. Fortunately, the girl in this story got some warning signs before taking the big step. And, as a result, she refused to move in until her boyfriend agreed to take care of some basic housework.

via Reddit

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

The girl vented her frustration by telling her story on the web: "I am a 20-year-old girl, my boyfriend is 24. We have been dating for a while and we were thinking of moving in together. At the moment, he still lives at home with his mother, while I have my own apartment. The ideal solution would be to find a bigger apartment to move into together. " So far,  there is nothing odd about this, but during a casual conversation, the young woman discovered that her boyfriend did not lift a finger around his house because his mother did everything for him. The alarm bells went off when he made a casual comment: "I would wear one of my nice shirts, but I don't know if my mother has done the laundry yet or not." From there it emerged that the 24-year-old was unable to do laundry, cook even simple dishes, vacuum or mop, or take care of the minimum of expenses. Making the decision to move in and live with such a person would appear to be far from desirable. And in fact, the young woman refused to move in with him until, as a minimum, he has learned how to do some of the simple, daily chores around the home.

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

The young woman also refused to personally teach him how to do these house chores, because she absolutely does not want to take on the role of "mother / teacher" with someone who should be her husband. On top of that, she describes herself as being very busy all day and, as a result, she'd rather spend a nice evening with him relaxing than teaching him how to do laundry or iron. As an alternative teacher, she suggested that he ask his mother to do these things, but the young man refused and did not take the proposal well at all: "He is annoyed that I do not trust him to learn to do these things. He also now believes I don't care about him because I refuse to be the one who teaches him how to do these chores. "

In short, the girl wonders if she was right to approach this problem in this way, or if she should have offered to help teach her boyfriend personally? Should she have acted, even if just for a while, as his "teacher" or, (perhaps even worse), "his mother. ". What do you think about this?
