Bride decides not to invite her cousin to her wedding because she has an eating disorder and is "too fat"

by Mark Bennett

December 28, 2021

Bride decides not to invite her cousin to her wedding because she has an eating disorder and is "too fat"

We all know that a wedding day should be a one-of-a-kind, special event. It should be an absolutely unforgettable experience for the bride and groom and every effort should be made to attain "perfection" in any way possible. Upsetting the newly-wed couple must be avoided at all costs. But let's remember that, arguably, the most precious and important part of a wedding are the guests - relatives and close friends who make up the group of the most important people in the lives of the spouses. But for many people, this is not at all the case.

via Daily Mail UK



Imagine being the cousin of a bride and not being invited to the wedding because you are too fat. Imagine you have an eating disorder and so your presence is not welcomed at the event. How would you react? Lia explains this to us, in a rather bitter way, via a video she published to her TikTok channel.  Through screenshots she took, she tells us of conversations she had on her cell phone with her cousin who was organizing the wedding. Her cousin told her that she had excluded Lia from the guest list because she was "a problem" and would likely ruin a day that had to be perfect at all costs. Continuing, her cousin stated that Lia's eating disorder was of great concern and could potentially spoil what was supposed to be the bride's happiest day of her life.

Lia was supposed to be the maid of honor on the special day. But on TikTok, Lia said that her cousin had sent her private messages that not only demeaned and insulted her, but also blamed her for her disorder: "You have no control over yourself, Lia, and you won't go on a diet. I don't want you as my bridesmaid anymore!"



While the initial conversation with her cousin was only about the role of being a bridesmaid, some private messages Lia later found showed that the bride-to-be no longer wanted her at her wedding at all. The cousin thought Lia's eating disorder would be a problem - and was already a problem precisely because Lia had not been able to lose weight and could not fit into the bridemaid's dress that had picked out for her. Lia was devastated by her cousin's decision: "I cried all afternoon - I was no longer invited to the wedding. But I do thank all the users on TikTok who have been so supportive of me. You said I should learn to respect myself more and not let people treat me like garbage. Well, I'm trying."

TikTok users have turned out to be very understanding and supportive of Lia, but what would you have done if you had been in her shoes and been subjected to such unkind treatment?
