A woman fulfills her life's dream and gives birth to a daughter at the age of 61

by Alison Forde

November 03, 2021

A woman fulfills her life's dream and gives birth to a daughter at the age of 61

A woman's desire for motherhood cannot be extinguished over the years; those who decide they want a child will never stop fighting for this to happen. Many women who cannot conceive naturally can go to the courts to get in line for an adoption, or they can resort to other techniques, such as IVF. Today we want to tell you the story of Ana Mara Pontelo Moreira, a woman who at the age of 61 managed to fulfill her dream ...

via Globo 1

Wikimedia/Not The Actual Photo

Wikimedia/Not The Actual Photo

Ana Maria Pontelo Moreira is 61 years old and lives in Brazil; all her life she has been trying to get pregnant and to have a child of her own, but her natural attempts did not seem to work. Thus, the woman decided in 2013 to apply to become a foster mother or adoptive mother, but without success. Finally, she went to the court to obtain the permission to be able to start the procedure for in vitro fertilization (in this South American country, the age limit for a woman to access this procedure is 50 years, she was already 60 at the time).

In vitro fertilization is a medical technique that consists of collecting male and female gametes so that fertilization is carried out in the laboratory and then transferring the fertilized embryo to the mother's womb. Then, the ultrasound guides the medical team to the exact point where the embryo should be placed, usually about 1 centimeter from the bottom of the maternal uterus, then, after about 12 or 14 days, a follow-up examination is performed to find out if the in vitro fertilization method was successful or not. And for Ana Maria, everything went great, luckily!

Max Pixel/Not The Actual Photo

Max Pixel/Not The Actual Photo

Ana Maria Pontelo Moreira's pregnancy lasted 39 weeks, was constantly monitored and observed by the medical team that followed the woman along her path; the new mother, who gave birth to a boy named Ian thanks to in vitro fertilization, said that the pregnancy went very well despite her "advanced" age: just a few episodes of gestational diabetes and frequent ache back; in any case, all symptoms were treated correctly by the doctors who cared for her.

What an incredible outcome for Ana Maria, who at the age of 61, after decades of waiting, managed to fulfill her dream: to become a caring mother!
