Mom disinfects the playground equipment in the park before letting her daughter play - many people think this is too much

by Alison Forde

September 01, 2021

Mom disinfects the playground equipment in the park before letting her daughter play - many people think this is too much

In times of a pandemic, it's natural to be a little more apprehensive about our health, we are all learning to live with the Coronavirus in a way that we did not think was possible: using a protective masks, observing social distancing, avoiding touching too many things in public, constantly washing your hands or not putting your fingers to your eyes and face. Living in the middle of a pandemic can be a daily nightmare, and this is a truth a parent knows better than any other...

via The Sun UK



We would do anything to protect a child from the dangers and threats of the outside, even disinfect every step they take in the open air to ensure that, by touching things and the surroundings, they cannot possibly become infected by the virus. Which is more or less what this mother did who on TikTok has published short images in which she is shown getting on the playground equipment in the city park while with a surface disinfectant in her hand she passes the spray over the points most touched and used by other children: after all, a mother really would do anything for their child, and she is doing so, but challenging the opinions of people on the web.

In the very short video, we see the mother of the little girl who insistently sprays the disinfectant spray on the surfaces in the playground, while the little one is held by the hand by her aunt, or the sister of the woman who has made so much talk about herself on the web: over the top or rightly careful?



There have been many comments from users about the short video on TikTok, but public opinion seems to have split: there are those who believe that this attitude is decidedly over the top and therefore does nothing but ruin the child's immune system (which at this age is particularly developed and resistant to many types of bacteria), and those who say that they see nothing but a mother who is a little too caring but is doing her best: that is to protect and secure her daughter from an invisible and sinister threat, namely Covid-19.

What do you think of these images, was the mother right to take the disinfectant with her to the playground to feel safer with her daughter, or is it a "hypochondriac" notion generated by these strange times?
