Journalist humiliated while selling sandwiches on the street responds to the criticism: "Only those who steal should be ashamed"

by Alison Forde

September 02, 2021

Journalist humiliated while selling sandwiches on the street responds to the criticism: "Only those who steal should be ashamed"

Karla Beahed Villarroel Vaca is a young Bolivian television journalist. She loves her work with the microphone and the camera and she is appreciated for being able to report information in an entertaining and accurate way. However, to help her struggling family, Karla has to do other jobs as well. One of them is selling sandwiches on the street. When she was discovered by a colleague, she was asked: "Aren't you ashamed?". The response to this provocation was not long in coming and it soon went viral on Facebook.

via Peru 21

Karla Villareaol/Facebook

Karla Villareaol/Facebook

"Those who work honestly have nothing to be ashamed of. Only those who steal should be ashamed in my opinion!" These are the words with which Karla Beahed Villarroel Vaca, a young Bolivian television journalist, silenced a colleague who had seen her selling sandwiches on a dusty city street.

“When she met me,” Karla wrote on her Facebook page, “she asked me aggressively if I didn't feel any shame. It's true, I come from a humble family, but I believe that honesty is an essential value even when you are in financial difficulties. For this reason, I don't think it's unseemly to sell food and work on the streets of the city".

Karla Villareaol/Facebook

Karla Villareaol/Facebook

This answer appealed to Internet users who enthusiastically supported the moral strength of this girl.

"Image isn't everything", commented one person under her post: "We have to appreciate people for their integrity and not for their glossy image. Finally a journalist with her feet on the ground, who behaves with simplicity and humility!”.

Karla Villareaol/Facebook

Karla Villareaol/Facebook

Karla explained that the idea for this second job came mainly from her family's endeavours in running a small grocery store. "Of course, my work on television and in the spotlight allows me to have some local notoriety" said the young journalist, "but my salary is still too low to give me satisfactory economic independence, also given my young woman. age. So, I ask you, if you were in my shoes what would you do? I'm sure you too would roll up your sleeves to find an honorable and honest solution." 

Karla Villarreaol/Facebook

Karla Villarreaol/Facebook

Karla's Facebook page has become a talking point on this topic and there are many who agree with her. Poverty is not a failing, but a condition that can be remedied if we work with honesty and dedication.

With this answer, the girl has become a minor star on the web: we hope that she will make advances in her career, so as not to have to take on multiple different jobs to help out her family.
