Genetics Jokes: Almost everyone in this Indonesian tribe has beautiful blue eyes

Having blue eyes is often a pride in the Western world, as it is synonymous with rarity and beauty. Unfortunately, diversity is not always best appreciated in some cultures and there are those who must defend themselves from discrimination caused by some genetic mutation. The photographer Korchnoi Pasaribu, who found himself on the island of Butan, in Indonesia, however, was able to appreciate, and even capture on film, the surprising peculiarity of an indigenous tribe: almost everyone is born with blue eyes. His photos, which can be seen on his Instagram page, show all the charm of this population affected by Waardenburg Syndrome, a condition that causes an anomaly in the pigmentation of the eyes, but also of the hair and skin.
via Dailymail

Korchnoi Pasaribu, a 38-year-old man and father of two, actually was actually a hobby photographer, working full time in nickel mining as a geologist. The photographer, from Jakarta, during a tourist visit to Buton Island, came across an indigenous tribe characterized by a truly fascinating and unusual feature for those places, namely blue eyes.

We know that those with blue eyes usually have light skin and hair, while for this population it is absolutely the opposite. This is due to Waardenburg syndrome, a genetic condition that affects around 1 in 42,000 people. Korchnoi has been able to cleverly document the rural life of this splendid tribe, also immortalizing the beauty of their eyes. Often, this genetic condition is also accompanied by varying degrees of deafness and other minor defects that affect the pigmentation of the hair and skin, as well as the eyes.

From what the photographer describes, it seems that the inhabitants of the Island of Buton with this physical characteristic don't suffer from eye problems or other problems, other than watery eyes after prolonged exposure to the sun.
His photos are absolutely professional and far surpass the amateur shots by many aspiring photographers. It's not surprising, in fact, that his profile is followed by as many as 70 thousand people.

The photographer admits that he is particularly fascinated by blue eyes, which are so unusual in some parts of the world, and that he has found a true source of inspiration in this indigenous tribe.
Shots from which all the emotion felt by the photographed subjects shines through

If you have been fascinated by this beautiful tribe, we advise you to follow Korchnoi's Instagram page.