A woman notices an elderly man who labors under the sun and decides to "give him a pension" thanks to a fundraiser

by Alison Forde

July 08, 2021

A woman notices an elderly man who labors under the sun and decides to "give him a pension" thanks to a fundraiser

It's really sad to note that in different parts of the world there are elderly people who are forced to work even at a very advanced age. The fact that pensions are quite small and living costs are very high, forces elderly people all over the world to roll up their sleeves rather than finally enjoying old age. When you meet elderly people like Gregorio, who despite the high temperatures continue to work under the sun, one cannot remain indifferent. A young woman, in fact, filmed the scene, worrying about the health of this elderly man who cleaned the McDonald's parking lot in the hottest hours of the day, while three other of his colleagues, much younger, were inside the restaurant, with air conditioning. How was that possible? The young woman posted the video on TikTok, causing an indignant reaction from many users. A video that set the solidarity machine in motion and thus helped Gregorio to "retire".

via News Break

GoFund Me

GoFund Me

The video of Gregorio cleaning, not without some difficulty, the parking lot of the famous fast-food restaurant, outraged many viewers. Seeing an elderly person working in those poor conditions is a blow to the heart, so much so that after the publication of that video it was decided to open a fundraiser to help Gregorio "retire". With the support and input from many users, the collection was a real success: in total, $40,276 were raised!

In a subsequent video, the same young woman who had filmed the sad scene wanted to meet Gregorio again. This time, she is no longer in the car waiting for her order, but she's sitting in a room in the company of Gregorio and his granddaughter.

TikTok / kandykaine92

TikTok / kandykaine92

In the second video, Gregory thanks the woman, his granddaughter and, above all, all those who helped him by donating some of their money. Now, it's hoped that Gregory will be able to enjoy more than a few days of rest thanks to the immense generosity of those who have given to him. We wish him this with all our hearts!
