He marries both women he's in love with and now hopes to get them pregnant at the same time

by Alison Forde

June 24, 2021

He marries both women he's in love with and now hopes to get them pregnant at the same time

There are people who feel the need to express their love towards more than one person, without feeling judged or stuck in a traditional relationship which doesn't fulfill them. Have you ever heard of "polyamory"? It is a person's practice or desire to have multiple intimate relationships at the same time, always with the full consent of all partners involved. Sure, not everyone would want to be in a polyamorous relationship, but some say they've found true happiness this way. The protagonists in this story want to tell us of their own experience regarding their life as a couple or, rather, their life as a threesome! Jimmy Silva and ChaCha Sahagun, his partner since high school, both felt a lack: the presence of a third person. A wish they both fulfilled when they met Summer Pelletier. Since then, their relationship has taken a different turn.

via Instagram / polyam.us

Instagram / polyam.us

Instagram / polyam.us

Jimmy Silva, a 36-year-old Californian, and ChaCha Sahagun, 32, have been dating since school and their relationship has always been great. Both, however, understood that they wanted to open up to a new concept of relationships and love, embracing the philosophy of polyamory. In practice, this choice came spontaneously when the two met Summer Pelletier, a young woman who was just 18 at the time, at a corporate event. Since 2012 the couple, Jimmy and ChaCha, have been a trio!

Instagram / polyam.us

Instagram / polyam.us

The three initially tried to keep an open relationship, but after just a couple of years they realized that their feelings for each other were definitely very serious. The big step towards marriage was only a matter of time: in 2019, Jimmy proposed to both of them, at the same time, giving the girls a diamond ring each. The wedding rings were made from the same stone, which was then divided in half.

Instagram / polyam.us

Instagram / polyam.us

After having managed to have a wedding for three, however, the challenges to be faced were not yet over. Jimmy said, "I want to get them both pregnant at the same time. It won't be easy for me, but I will do it," said the man, full of love and hope. ChaCha and Summer's family, although traditionalists, are open-minded and support the three's relationship, while Jimmy's relatives are not convinced and even threatened to disown him when he invited them to his wedding. Despite all the prejudices and difficulties, this trio are delighted to be together!

What do you think? Do you believe in polyamory?
