Bride catches her future husband being breastfed by his mother just before the wedding ceremony

by Mark Bennett

March 11, 2023

Bride catches her future husband being breastfed by his mother just before the wedding ceremony

A wedding day should be, theoretically, one of the best days in a couple's life . However, things can go wrong, even if we have planned the event thoroughly. What is certain, however, is that it is impossible to prepare for every eventuality. The story we are about to tell, however, is very unsettling and does not deal with any of the classic problems that commonly happen at weddings. What the bride witnessed shortly before her ceremony nearly ended her wedding to the groom. Let's see what happened:

via Mirror

Flickr / Betsssssy / Not the actual photo

Flickr / Betsssssy / Not the actual photo

In general, most problems can be fixed, including any mishap that might happen at a wedding. At the wedding we are about to tell you about, however, the situation is very different. The shocking event was recounted by a make-up artist who we will call "Jenny". Jenny was helping the bride in the bathroom shortly before the ceremony: "She (the bride) went into the bathroom and what she saw would have been enough to end any marriage," Jenny said. If you think it was the groom cheating on his future wife, you're dead wrong - it was something much worse. The groom was in the bathroom with his own mother, who was breastfeeding him. That's right: a grown man being breastfed by his mother.

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

It seems that the couple still got married, despite the shocking discovery by the bride. She, of course, had absolutely no idea that her future husband was being breastfed by his mother - a truly bizarre and unusual practice (and one which would make anyone think twice about getting involved in). Fortunately, these aren't things one sees every day...
