In an old wedding photo, the groom is shown arm-in-arm with his lover

by Mark Bennett

February 22, 2023

In an old wedding photo, the groom is shown arm-in-arm with his lover

Love is a very strong emotion and sometimes, it is uncontrollable: you don't really choose who you fall in love with. Unfortunately, not all love is requited. Paula is a young woman who posted old photos of her parents' wedding on Twitter, recounting the sad love story her mother lived through, completely enamoured with her unfaithful husband. The photos attracted many user comments, especially due to some of the details they contained. Read on to find out more:

via Twitter / paugeraldine

Twitter / paugeraldine

Twitter / paugeraldine

Paula posted some photos of her parents' - Elba and Luis - wedding on her Twitter account. One of these photos, Paula described with these words: "This is my mother on her wedding day looking lovingly at her husband - my father - while he was arm in arm with his lover". This photo exposed a sad reality that emerged a few years after the wedding: Luis was a womanizer and had many lovers. He even had a relationship with his brother's fiancée and was having an affair when he got married (as shown in the photo). Surely, this behavior was unforgiveable? Despite everything, Paula's mother forgave her unfaithful husband but, in 1978, after discovering that Luis had betrayed her again, Elba got a divorce.

The "infamous" wedding photo in which Elba is gazing lovingly at Luis, while his lover is standing next to him, provoked many reader comments. "I still don't understand why my mother never destroyed this photo," Paula said.

Twitter / paugeraldine

Twitter / paugeraldine

There were more disappointments to come in Elba's life: "That woman - my father's lover - was my uncle's girlfriend at the time. My father was unfaithful to my mother all his life," Paula said. Despite everything, Elba continued to love Luis. Today, Luis is 83 years old and is in a relationship with a 43-year-old woman; he lives off the pension that Elba left him, and Paula and her brother hardly ever speak to him. Elba remarried but her second marriage didn't work out either.

"Unfortunately my mother was in love with my father until her dying day. You could see it on her face, just like in the wedding photo. Unfortunately you don't choose who to fall in love with," Paula commented with a touch of sadness.

Could you ever forgive a betrayal like this?
