A woman reveals the secret to having a lasting and happy relationship: "My husband and I have separate bank accounts"

by Alison Forde

June 19, 2021

A woman reveals the secret to having a lasting and happy relationship: "My husband and I have separate bank accounts"

When you are in a couple, many choices no longer depend exclusively on a single will, but on sincere and honest cooperation between two parties, always taking into consideration the different needs of both. But how hard is it to please everyone when it comes to money? Finances, unfortunately, can be a topic of heated discussion in a couple, especially as regards the right way to proceed: many expenses are shared, while others are related to the individual needs of each party... how do you keep everything in balance and not blow up the relationship? Evie Carrick tells us about her experience and her secrets of success in this field and suggests how to have a happy and lasting relationship.

via Buzzfeed

Instagram /eviecarrick

Instagram /eviecarrick

Evie's advice for having a better relationship and marriage would be to keep finances separate. Evie has been happily married to her husband for 7 years and she feels pretty confident with this strategy. Obviously, she is well aware that their way of managing money as a couple is not the "fairest" way of all and that, perhaps, for some, it might not work, but it's worth hearing what she has to say. Evie soon realized that she and her husband had, and still have, some different needs: she loves to save for travel and believes that always going out to dinner is "a waste of money", while her husband, instead,  loves spending evenings and dinners out.

Instagram /eviecarrick

Instagram /eviecarrick

The solution? Have a joint account for shared expenses, such as gasoline, shopping and travel together, and individual savings accounts. Evie doesn't know how much there is in her husband's personal account and vice versa. This modus operandi, for her, proved to be successful for various reasons. On the one hand, although she deeply loves her husband and hopes to stay with him for the rest of their days, she also knows that couples break up and she would never want to find herself one day without even a penny saved in her personal account. Furthermore, in this way no grudges are created when they want to make individual purchases. In a nutshell: Do you think your partner spends money on useless things? No problem, because he can do it using his savings and not yours.

Unsplash / Not the actual photo

Unsplash / Not the actual photo

Of course, this practical solution works well when both partners have a stable job and an equivalent salary, otherwise, the risk of creating inequality will always exist.

Evie, however, assures us that thanks to the separate management of finances, her relationship with her husband is going well. What do you think?

