An orphaned boy is forced to live in a car, but his biological sister changes his life for the better

by Alison Forde

June 01, 2021

An orphaned boy is forced to live in a car, but his biological sister changes his life for the better

Being orphaned at a very young age and not having biological parents and a loving family to care for you is a great hardship for any child. In these cases, it is not even obvious that the orphaned child will be entrusted to people who give him love, just as it is not obvious that the little one, now without mum and dad, will feel comfortable with the new family. Perhaps it is also for this reason that many of these orphans, upon reaching the age of majority, find that the adoption breaks down and they are forced to live a life of solitude often in great economic difficulty...

via USA Today

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Usa Today/YouTube

Today we want to tell you the story of Seth Miller, an American boy who lived all his childhood and part of his adolescence in foster homes and with families who later rejected him; in his young life, Seth has known many families, but never any one with whom the family relationship has "worked". For this reason, the years passed and Seth Miller ended up celebrating his eighteenth birthday in the foster home where he was still waiting for the perfect couple who would give him unconditional love and a home forever.

But having turned 18, according to US law, Seth could no longer count on the support of the foster home, so he was forced to live alone, like a homeless man, with no one to rely on ...

Usa Today/YouTube

Usa Today/YouTube

Fortunately, despite the situation of great discomfort and sadness, the eighteen-year-old boy was at the center of a series of events that changed his life for the better forever. Robert and Ara Hunt, a married couple who already had two boys and a girl at home, really wanted to take care of Seth and save him from that harsh situation in life.

Also because the Hunt couple had recently adopted a person that the homeless boy knew very well: Robert and Ara had invited Shyann, Seth Miller's biological sister, inot their family!

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Usa Today/YouTube

When there was the first meeting between Seth and Shyann the tears fell copiously, finally this boy who had suffered all his life had found a person who could save him from a lonely, unhappy and hardship-filled destiny. Robert and Ara Hunt, although they already had a very large family, asked Seth to move in with them: finally the boy had found a forever home, and a perfect family!

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Usa Today/YouTube

A year later, Seth Miller officially became part of the Hunt family thanks to the special court decision that entrusted the boy to Robert and Ara: to pay tribute to this couple who had forever changed his life for the better, Seth changed his name to Logan Hunt: "This is all great, it's like I've finally found the peace I deserve."

Usa Today/YouTube

Usa Today/YouTube

Logan said that his whole life has been a process of waiting for someone to really take care of him, for someone to love him  and finally that moment has arrived: "Before I was just empty, alone, I had no place where I could fit in, I led a very monotonous kind of life, nothing really extraordinary. I have been waiting all my life for things to change", said the boy.

Usa Today/YouTube

Usa Today/YouTube

Now, Logan has found the family he was looking forward for, is reunited with his biological sister, and lives surrounded by love and mutual affection - the life this boy deserved!

Congratulations, Logan!
