An elderly man finds his wedding ring on a carrot after 3 years: his garden has given him back the most precious fruit

by Alison Forde

June 01, 2021

An elderly man finds his wedding ring on a carrot after 3 years: his garden has given him back the most precious fruit

A wedding ring, especially if it is gold, is certainly one of the most precious objects that symbolize love and the union in marriage with one's partner. Losing it would be a real shame! Unfortunately, however, losing precious objects, such as rings, earrings or bracelets, is very common, so much so that now there are even associations of people who, through the use of the metal detectors, offer to recover certain jewelry. What happened to an elderly man from Bad Müenstereifel, however, was pretty unusual, though not unique to him. The eighty-two-year-old had lost his wedding ring and was now somewhat resigned to never being able to wear it again, until one day his garden gave him back his most precious fruit.

via My Modern Met

Great Life Publishing

Great Life Publishing

An 82-year-old man, happily married to the love of his life for 50 years, couldn't wait to celebrate his very important wedding anniversary. Unfortunately, on the occasion of his fiftieth anniversary, the man could no longer find his wedding ring. "Don't worry, sooner or later it will pop up somewhere," his wife reassured him. After three years, the man had not only not found the ring, but he had also lost his beloved wife: in that moment, he would have longed to see that wedding ring more than anything else! Six months after his wife's death, however, the man received an unexpected surprise from the vegetable garden he cultivated at his home ...

Harvesting the vegetables from his garden, the man realized that the missing ring had been buried in that small piece of land. In fact, pulling up a carrot, the man immediately noticed that a carrot had grown inside it, deformed by the metal ring.

Great Life Publishing

Great Life Publishing

Probably, the man had lost his ring years ago, while he was busy preparing the garden; now, after a long time, the garden that he had cared for with so much love and passion, has given him back one of the most precious objects he had. The story of this man, however singular, is by no means an isolated case. Here you can read the story of a woman who, after 13 long years, managed to find her wedding ring in the garden: again with a carrot had grown inside it!

We should always be careful when carrying out outdoor activities: if we have precious belongings with us, let's put them in a safe place before digging the garden!
