At 30 she becomes a woman and her 3 year old daughter accepts her for what she is: "You are beautiful"

by Alison Forde

May 18, 2021

At 30 she becomes a woman and her 3 year old daughter accepts her for what she is: "You are beautiful"

A family is always a family, whether it is considered traditional or not. There is nothing that says that to form a perfect nuclear family there must be a father, a mother and a child; the important thing is that love reigns as the supreme value inside the house and that all the members that make it up feel affection and mutual respect for each other, despite the life choices that they may have made. This is the story of Rachel Does, a 30-year-old woman from Iowa, in the USA who until the age of 28 had to repress a very important part of herself ...

via Daily Mail UK


Yes, because Rachel Does was not born a woman, but she has become the one, whom today everyone knows, admires and everyone loves after years of inner crisis and repression of her true being. Rachel has always felt she didn't belong to the male world that Mother Nature had assigned her, and for this reason, since the age of 6, she had to hide this aspect of herself from her family and friends. But in August 2011 Rachel met Lindsay Does, married her and they had a beautiful baby girl named Raelee; unfortunately the marriage didn't last very long and the couple parted permanently in February 2019.


After parting with Lindsay, Rachel knew it was time to finally embrace how she truly felt she was and had always hidden from everyone; when she was still a man, she had begun to undergo hormonal treatment, which in the following months would give her physiological characteristics more and more similar to those of a woman; Rachel also started to dress and make up like a woman, and eventually the new Rachel revealed herself in front of everyone, deciding she would never hide her true self again...

Not only did all her adult acquaintances take it well, from friends to relatives to work colleagues, but also little Raelee who at the age of 3 accepted her "new parent" without any hesitation. Rachel told of her experience: "I started transitioning when my daughter was only one year old and I started wearing makeup and dressing more feminine. One day, my daughter asked me why I was wearing makeup and I just said "Why? Because I like it.” And that was the end of her questions. 'My daughter is the best ever, as she is the most open girl I have ever met and she is always there to hug me and let me know she is here for me. She says "I love you" and, "you are beautiful". I don't think I would have the strength to be my true self without her. She still addresses me as 'dad' and that's okay - I respect her and let her choose how to call me."

The life lesson that Rachel has learned is truly valuable and should be of use to all those people who are still afraid to "come out" and just live as themselves, without fear of the prejudices of others: "It is never too late to come out and your happiness and mental health are very important - if I can do it, anyone can do it!"

Congratulations on your courage and your new life, Rachel!
