A feast for the eyes: 15 examples of design which border on perfection in their genius

Everyone likes perfection in life; whether it's in the home or in their private life, whether it's simply admiring a panorama or a painting, listening to good music or seeing a film that we are passionate about. The search for beauty in everyday life unites every human being, who wants to find it even in small, big things. For this reason, and because we know that you too prefer beauty, order, perfection in every area of life, we have selected for you a curious and fanciful gallery of design images that contains all the concepts we have listed above: photographic images of places or objects that border on perfection. We hope they are a feast for your eyes.
Could there have been a more ingenious design than this for an ophthalmology store?

Yes, you have really seen correctly: those are giant eye glasses!
Have you guessed what it is?

But why yes, it's a mirror...simply genius!
One of the most beautiful benches I've ever seen ...

This celebrates the power of reading and is found inside the library at Alexandria!
Don't know where to hang coats, jackets, hats and so on?

Here's the design solution for you!
The entrance to this building ... simply one of a kind!

Compliments to the architect!
Go to the elevator and try to call it ...

Unfortunately, to press the button you have to look down: is it designed for our four-legged friends?
Look at the floor in this place ... What does it remind you of?

The answer, a mail envelope, is the correct one, and we are inside the Postal Museum of the USA!
Imagine going to the supermarket for a carton of milk and ...

We'd feel guilty about buying one: it would ruin the design sequence!
The space dedicated to the advertisements in this newspaper is absolutely brilliant!

For refined tastes...

What a fantastic and original the way these headphones are packaged: they look like a musical note!
A skateboard shop and a butcher shop share the same sign:

If we're looking for a new skateboard the sign is appropriate, if we want meat instead, we will find a suitable sign ... on the opposite side!
An artistic installation inside a landscaped park ...

It's impossible not to notice this ... giant clothespin!
A true one-of-a-kind coffee table ...

Lovers of metropolitan life? This piece of furniture is for you!
Admire the beauty of this ceiling!

Even if it doesn't seem like it, we're at an elegant swimming pool!
Look carefully at this apparently harmless and generic tie ...

In the design there is a very long line of mice: both the rodents that we all hate, and the "mice" we use to work on the PC: what genius!