A single mother with 2 children walks almost 10 km every day to go to work: the police give her a van

by Alison Forde

January 14, 2021

A single mother with 2 children walks almost 10 km every day to go to work: the police give her a van

In general, hard work is usually recognized, appreciated and rewarded. The protagonist of this story is a 24-year-old single mother who was seen walking along Highway 59 for several miles every morning. To be exact, the woman walked 6 miles to reach her workplace, located on the road, near a truck stop; as if that were not enough, the young woman walked the same again on the way back, to go home. Reports from worried citizens kept arriving at the local police station, from people who had seen the poor girl walking the road every day, in all temperatures. The woman in question had never asked for help from anyone, she knew she had to go to work at all costs every day, in order to be able to support and take care of her children.

via Facebook / Franklin County, KS - Sheriff's Office

Facebook / Franklin County, KS - Sheriff's Office

Facebook / Franklin County, KS - Sheriff's Office

Faced with those reports, the officers at the station investigated the identity of the woman, discovering her difficult situation. Initially, the cops often offered to give her a lift to her house when they met her in the evening walking down the highway, a gesture that certainly made a difference to the woman's day, but that did not completely solve her problem. Everyone wanted to do something more for this young mom.

Facebook / Franklin County, KS - Sheriff's Office

Facebook / Franklin County, KS - Sheriff's Office

The police officers all wanted to help the woman, so they got in touch with people in their community and used the charitable funds raised the previous month to give her a gift that could change her life for the better. After a few days, thanks to the contributions from generous citizens and their own funds, the police department was able to give the woman a van, two brand new car seats for her children, a gift certificate, the registration of the van, the first year of automobile insurance and another $200 in cash.

Facebook / Franklin County, KS - Sheriff's Office

Facebook / Franklin County, KS - Sheriff's Office

The young mother's reaction to such a surprise was indescribable. When she realized that those policemen were giving her a van, she suddenly exclaimed: "I can finally take my children to the park!". Her dedication to her family and her total dedication to her work have definitely paid off. Now, she will be able to get to work more easily and quickly than before, as well as taking the children to play in the park.

Facebook / Franklin County, KS - Sheriff's Office

Facebook / Franklin County, KS - Sheriff's Office

Some of the policemen filmed the moving scene, and the department proceeded to share the video on their Facebook page.

A practical example of the commitment with which these officers offer help to their community.
