Moms chase a boy away from the park so their daughters can only play with other girls

by Alison Forde

November 05, 2020

Moms chase a boy away from the park so their daughters can only play with other girls

The situation is one of the most common. It is a beautiful sunny day and you take your child to the park to spend some time outdoors and you find other children and other mothers like you who have had the same idea. Now, however, let's try to reverse this scenario: what would happen if while you are there watching your kid play, other mothers approached you to ask you to take him away? It sounds absurd but that's what happened to this woman.


The mother to whom this request was made did not naturally take it at all well but the strangest thing is that, in search of confirmation of her rightness, one of those women who asked her to leave, issued a statement to Washington Post reporter Carolyn Hax:

"Since the other mothers and I only had daughters while she had a young boy we asked her to leave so we could have some girl only time. She refused and seemed very angry. If she comes back I hope there is a way to approach her and to clear things up, but I'm still convinced that at that moment the presence of a boy would have ruined everything. The world around us always gives priority to men, just for one afternoon we wanted it to be the other way around ".



Hax, however, has not shown herself to be in support of these women and commented: "Chasing away that mother with her boy was a terrible idea. That boy is a human being like all of us, he feels our same feelings, he is not privileged. If your intent was to demonstrate that women can be on par with the male gender I think you have blatantly missed the mark. If you wanted to be alone among women you have to meet in a private place, not in a public park".

It's really strange how sometimes people worry about getting their own needs met without thinking about the consequences this can have on others' lives ...
