A 7-year-old boy is humiliated by his teacher because of the outcome of his math test: "Sad and pathetic"

by Alison Forde

October 20, 2020

A 7-year-old boy is humiliated by his teacher because of the outcome of his math test: "Sad and pathetic"

Although many teachers today are often subjected to abuse by parents and children themselves, who may not accept the bad grades received due to their own lack of appliance, there are also cases in which professed teachers seem not to know what methods to adopt. Those who choose to pursue a career as a teacher know that they will have to deal with boys and girls who deserve to be motivated to study, and also know that they will have to implement every strategy in order to impart the understanding of mathematics, history, chemistry and all other subjects to their students. Yet, there are still those who are totally incompetent on this front: Kamdyn Piland, a 7-year-old boy, returned home with a math test marked with his teacher's red pen. In addition to correcting the child's mistakes, the teacher decided to leave an unpleasant comment about the result little Kamdyn obtained during the test.

via Facebook / Chris R Piland

My son Kamdyn's teacher has been so rude to him and myself all year he comes home with this and I am beyond frustrated that someone would write this on a childs work such great motivation

Pubblicato da Chris R Piland su Martedì 16 aprile 2019

Kamdyn Palin returned home to his father particularly unmotivated after his failure in his math test. His teacher had written  a sentence in red that would put anyone down: "Sad and pathetic. He answered 13 questions in 3 minutes." The child's father, Chris couldn't believe his eyes. He personally confronted the teacher, stressing how much she could have hurt his son with that comment, but the woman did nothing but repeat: "I'm sorry if you feel that way." Neither the teacher nor the school did anything to remedy the unpleasant event, so Chris, unable to act otherwise, decided to make this story known to other people by sharing it on his Facebook profile. The incident aroused much indignation from various readers, some of whom even signed a petition to get the teacher fired. A solution which is perhaps a little excessive, but which nevertheless garnered the support of 20,000 people.

Facebook / Chris R Piland

Facebook / Chris R Piland

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