A married couple with five children decide to adopt seven orphans, so that they won't be separated

by Alison Forde

October 26, 2020

A married couple with five children decide to adopt seven orphans, so that they won't be separated

Altruism is a quality that affects all aspects of one's life: one cannot refrain from doing good for others. Pam Willis and her husband Gary, for example, know this well. When they learned of the terrible fate that 7 brothers and sisters who had just tragically lost their parents were facing, they didn't hesitate to intervene promptly to ensure a secure future for these children. But, above all, to offer them the opportunity to continue to be brothers and sisters, still all together under the same roof. The couple from Menifee, California, who already had 5 children of their own, decided to adopt the 7 orphaned children to prevent them being dispersed into various adoptive families.

via Metro

In this photo the whole big family is gathered, including Pam and Gary!

In this photo the whole big family is gathered, including Pam and Gary!

Facebook / Pam Willis

In May 2018, Pam and Gary learned sad news: a couple with seven children had been the victims of a terrible car accident. When it came to fostering seven brothers and sisters between the ages of 15 and 4, it was extremely likely that the system would split them up, to increase the chances of finding new families for all of them. Pam and Gary, however, respectively 49 and 52 years old, married for many years and with 5 children, now all grown up, looked into each other's eyes and felt obliged to "save" those orphaned kids.

Facebook / Pam Willis

Facebook / Pam Willis

Pam is a lawyer, while Gary is a veteran of the US Navy - together they decided to get back in the parenting game and offer a better future to some kids who found themselves suddenly without any security. Pam had seen their photos and was much saddened to see how much love these children needed and how much they were lacking after the tragedy they had endired, so she started calling social services every day, pressing them and letting them know how interested she was in the adoption.

Facebook / Pam Willis

Facebook / Pam Willis

Eventually Pam and Gary were accepted and now take care of the seven brothers and sisters as if they've always been theirs. The couple's other children are all grown up and most of them already have their own families with children. Everyone welcomed the arrival of the new family members and, given how tiring it can be to care for the little ones, the other kids in the Willis family often lend a hand to Pam and Gary.

Facebook / Pam Willis

Facebook / Pam Willis

The whole family: beautiful!

The whole family: beautiful!

Facebook / Pam Willis


Pam & Gary

Pam & Gary

Facebook / Pam Willis

 What do you think of Pam and Gary's decision?
