A carpenter saves money all his life: thanks to his sacrifices 33 young people could enroll in college

by Alison Forde

September 15, 2020

A carpenter saves money all his life: thanks to his sacrifices 33 young people could enroll in college

Sometimes it is from the humblest and most simple people that the greatest gestures of humanity and altruism are born, those that few are able to put into practice even over a whole a lifetime. Dale Schroeder was one of them and, quietly, he devoted his efforts and his savings to doing good for others, trying to ensure that dozens of people achieved one of the most important assets that can be had in life: education.

When he passed away, there were no close family members at the funeral of this man, but instead 33 strangers showed up at the ceremony, all sharing a strong feeling towards Dale: they felt just like his children.

via KCCI



Schroeder was a humble Iowa carpenter, who in his life has always devoted a lot of time to his profession, carried out with patience and dedication. He did not allow himself many amusements or pastimes, leading a simple and rather frugal existence. The considerable savings he accumulated during all the years he worked, for him, had a very specific purpose: to help people in need cope with college expenses.

A carpenter saves money all his life: thanks to his sacrifices 33 young people could enroll in college - 2


That's right: for many people, achieving an adequate level of education is not a simple thing at all, often due to the high fees thet need to pay to enroll and support themselves while studying. Given the considerable amount that Dale had (about 3 million dollars) he decided, without thinking too much, that that the money, after his death, would be perfect to finance the education of 33 of his young fellow citizens. And the results, to his delight, were not long in coming, as many of them are now established professionals.



The story of this man's incredible generosity was told by Kira Conrad, one of the people who was helped by Dale, as her family could in no way afford to send her to college.



It is useless to describe this girl's surprise who, like the other 32 lucky recipients of the man's generosity, owes much to someone who is practically a stranger, and who unfortunately could not even be thanked for what he did, given his passing .



There are barely enough words to describe the enormous altruism that this man carried out. Schroeder was - and always will be - a model to be imitated, a perfect example of how one can truly leave an indelible mark on people's hearts.


