He asked his parents for a new Xbox but he had to earn it: his father "forced" him to help with the housework

by Alison Forde

August 18, 2020

He asked his parents for a new Xbox but he had to earn it: his father "forced" him to help with the housework

The two fundamental pillars in the education of children are school and family. The first has precise rules and clearly identifiable symbols, the second is little less delineated. At home there are no hard backed chairs and blackboards, you don't have to raise your hand to speak, but this doesn't mean that you don't need a bit of healthy discipline. Raising children means being able to show them the difference between "right" and "wrong", as well as making them understand the value of merit and the dignity of work. It is certainly a difficult task, but absolutely necessary.

From this point of view Mark Arrington is a teacher with all the trimmings. The man lives in America, in the state of Florida. He is the biological father of 4 children and the dad to 5 others from his current wife's previous marriage. In short, a very large family!


With such a large squad to look after everyone needs to know their duties at home. Between his work and other commitments, Mark always tries to carve out quality time to spend with each of his children.

Every day he tries to make sure they learn something new and useful that will help them live a better life. Nowadays young people think that they are owed everything. However, it is essential that the offspring know the meaning of "responsibility" - a word that often scares even many adults. This strategy certainly makes family life easier, but above all it helps to make the new generation grow with a greater sense of awareness and maturity.

Thank for all the people that kindly mention to stagger the flooring. Like it stated that I'm no professional. At the...

Pubblicato da Mark Arrington su Venerdì 5 giugno 2020

One day, his 11-year-old boy, named Mark after him, asked for another Xbox because the old one was now broken. The father's response was obviously positive, as long as the young man would earn it. How? By doing some simple work around the house! 

The two, in fact, often carry out home repair work together. Once, for example, Mark and his son had previously repaired the air conditioner, while this time, after the request for the new Xbox, it would be the turn of the floors: they would have to install a new parquet floor in the house.

As a handyman, this great dad trained on his own and is self-taught; he certainly has a good ability to learn quickly. It was not difficult for him, therefore, to instruct his own son on how to perform certain tasks.


Once the floors of the house were fixed, Mark Junior was able to receive his Xbox. It was a big effort but it was worth it. In fact, not only did he get what he wanted, but he also learned an important life lesson. For this father there are only 8 other "students" to give the daily ration of wisdom to, so ... whose turn is it now?
