Daycare center refuses to admit 2-year-old with a skull malformation because she would "scare the other children"

by Cylia Queen

July 02, 2020

Daycare center refuses to admit 2-year-old with a skull malformation because she would "scare the other children"

Although it's true that we all possess physical characteristics that make us unique, this doesn't mean we should give preference to some people over others. This is especially true for children. At such a young age, kids don't think about the way they look to other people. Deep down, all that matters to them is getting to play with other kids and being happy just being themselves. Some adults, however, don't see things this way.

Sofya is a 2-year-old Russian girl that suffers from a skull malformation and webbed hands and feet. When Sofya's parents tried to enroll her in a child daycare center, the director and staff refused her application, stating that she would "scare the other children".


The daycare's response broke Sofya's parents' hearts. To them, Sofya was a beautiful, intelligent, and happy child who deserved to play and be around other children; just like everyone else. It didn't matter if she was different. They knew that once the children got to know her, they'd love her just as much as they did. 


Luckily, an organization called Rainbow Goodness that defends children's rights heard wind of Sofya's story and offered to represent Sofya and her parents. Despite the organization's attempts, the daycare center still refused to admit Sofya. In fact, they even stated that they'd only admit Sofya into their program if she underwent reconstructive surgery to fix her deformities.

Living in conditions of extreme poverty, paying for Sofya's reconstructive surgery was out of the question. They couldn't afford to pay their water or electric bill, let alone the money it would take to pay for multiple surgeries. Rainbow Goodness, however, wasn't going to take no for an answer. They talked to several psychologists and, together, they convinced the daycare to admit Sofya. Their argument was simple: all it would take was some time to let the kids get to know Sofya and they would eventually accept her for who she was.

Rainbow Goodness also worked with local government to find Sofya and her parents better living arrangements. Now, they have running water, electricity, and heat in their apartment, and they couldn't be happier!

The local government didn't stop at giving Sofya and her parents a better place to live; they also gave them some money to put towards Sofya's reconstructive surgeries! 

Although this story may have had a terrible beginning, it goes to show that there are good people out there that are actively searching to better the lives of others. At first, Sofya seemed like she was never going to get the things in life she deserved. Little did she know that the people who cared about her outnumbered those her stuck their nose up at her. 

We wish you nothing but the best in life Sofya! So far, you're off to an amazing start! 
